Chapter Seven

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Once I'm ready for dinner, I hear a knock at my door.

"My lady, my master sent me up here to get you dinner," I hear Sebastian say through the closed door.

"I'm coming," I say putting on my shoes. I get off my bed and join Sebastian and Marie outside my room. As we walk down to the table, Marie leans over and whispers to me.

"We'll talk after dinner," she whispers. It's like she doesn't want Sebastian to hear us.

"Okay," I whisper back to her. I don't want to talk about what happened but what else am I supposed to do? I'll probably just make up something.

When we arrive at the table, Ciel is already sitting down.

"Good evening Lady Knight and Lady Daye," Ciel says looking up at us. I hate that he still calls me Lady Daye.

"Good evening Lord Ciel," Marie says, She's got this whole lord and lady thing down.

"Good evening," I say. Saying lord to a twelve year old is just weird. I mean for real, think about it. It's like we worship him or something. I laugh a little at the thought of that. Marie shoots me a mean look. I know that means, shut up and be nice to my bae. I stop laughing and get my seat.


After dinner Marie and I hangout in my room.

"So tell me what happened," Marie says closing the door.

"Only if you tell me first," I say smiling. I'm trying to get out of telling her what Sebastian and I did during Seven Minutes of Heaven.

"Fine. All we did was play chess. He beat of course. Now tell me what you and Sebastian did," Marie begs.

"Fine," I say. I sit down on the bed, trying to come with something she will believe.

"Well we talked and kissed. That's all," I lie. I hope she believes me. Even if she doesn't believe me, I'm not telling her the truth.

"Aww yall kissed?" she asked smiling. She believes me. How foolish of her.

"So that's all?" she asks me some more.

"Yeah that's it. What were we supposed to have sex or something?" I ask. I mean really what did she think we would do? I mean Sebastian just met me.

"Hell no. God Skye why would you think that's what I expected yall to do?" she asked angered that I would think that. "What I'm trying to figure out is why you looked like you were crying. When you returned to the group you looked like you've been crying. Everything is okay, right?"

Fuck, she's on to me.

"I wasn't crying. Blushing but not crying," I lie some more. God I hope she believes this one. I'm screwed if she doesn't believe me.

"Oh okay. I wanted to make sure you are okay. I'm always here for you Skye. I want you to know that okay," Marie tells me. "Well I should go to my room. Goodnight Lady Daye."

"God Marie you know I hate that," I say.

"Well at least Sebastian doesn't call you that anymore,. he calls you my lady now I've noticed," she says smiling and raising her eyebrow. I blush.

"Well goodnight," I say.

"Goodnight," Marie says closing the door.


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