Chapter Four

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Alois and I dance around some more before Ciel returns. I look over and see Skye and Claude. Poor Claude is trying to talk to Skye but she ignoring him and making mean faces at him. Skye really hates Claude.

Once Alois and I are done dancing for awhile, we go over to where Skye and Claude are.

"Claude wouldn't you agree that Lady Knight is so beautiful? I want her Claude," Alois says. I start to blush but also I'm kinda freaked out about the whole I want her thing.

We all continue to talk until Ciel and Sebastian return.

"Alois get you dirty hands off Lady Knight!" Ciel says. He looks even more pissed than before.

"Lighten up Ciel. Anyways she already mine," Alois says smiling. He licks my face. " See mine."

I touch my face. It's feels so weird but I'm not surprised. I start coughing like crazy though. I wouldn't expect Alois to do anything different then lick me. Everyone else, but Skye, looked shocked. Skye must be thinking the same thing as me.

"Bruh," Skye says. Oh lord. Did she just bruh? Damn it, she knows I hate that word.

"Bruh?" Ciel, Alois, Sebastian, and Claude ask. They all have puzzled looks. Looks like we have to explain 2014 slang to them now.

"Bruh means like you kn-," Skye starts but gets cut off by Alois.

"I've never heard of such a fun word. Claude wouldn't you agree?" Alois says. Claude nods his head in agreement.

"I think the word is stupid. Lady Kinght and Lady Daye as long as you stay in my mansion you will nev-," Ciel starts but get cut off by Alois also.

"Wait Lady Knight is staying in your mansion?! No fair!! I want her. She's mine. I fucking licked her!!" Alois whines.

"God Alois can you ever just shut up?! I'm so tired of hearing your stupid little voice," Ciel says. He looks pissed again.

"Little voice?! I'm older than you!" Alois says, looking even more pissed then Ciel. I didn't know that was even possible.

"Alois you pop tart. Just drop it. You too Ciel," Skye says.

"P-pop tart? What's that?" Alois asks.

"Hey lets change the subject," I say. All I wanted to do is dance with Ciel, not cause all this drama.

"Okay, well how about we all go up to Ciel's study after the ball and play a little game," Skye says with a smirk. Oh no this can't be good if she is picking the game.

"What's the game?" Alois asks. He looks very interested compared to Ciel.

"It's called 7 Minutes In Heaven," Skye says with a smile on her face. Yep I had a feeling she would want us to play that sooner or later.

Sebastian starts to laugh. I understand why. He's a demon and we are asking him to play something that has the word heaven in it when he is basically hell. I would be laughing if I was him too.

"That's sound fun. How do you play?" Alois asks.

"So we all get in a circle and spin a bottle. When it stops, the two people it's pointing at have to go into a room and lock the door for seven minutes. No one can see what they are doing. The people outside the door set a timer for seven minutes then knock on the door to tell the pair to come out. We keep repeating that until everyone has gone," Skye says. "Oh also it has to be a girl and a boy that go together. So if the bottle stops on two girls or boys we spin again."

"Oh okay," Alois sounds kinds sad about that. "Anyways it still sounds fun. I'm in," he says happily.

"I'm in," everyone but Ciel says.

"I'm not sure about that. It sounds stupid," Ciel says.

"Are you scared little Phantomhive?" Alois asks laughing at him. "You can be such a baby sometimes."

"Many people your age play this game Ciel," Skye adds in. It's true. That's how Skye got her first kiss.

"Fine, I guess I'll play," Ciel says.

"Yay! This will be fun," Skye says with a big smile




After the ball we all head upstairs to Ciel's study.

"I brought the bottle and stop watch," I say. "Now everyone form a circle."

They all get in a circle.

"I'll spin first," Sebastian says. Yay!

Please be me. Please, please, please be me. I think to myself with my finger crossed.

I look down at the bottle and it lands on me. YES!!

"Okay Lady Skye and Sebastian you two have seven minutes," Ciel says showing us what room we can use. He opens the door for us, then shuts it when we are in.

"Don't have too much fun," I can hear Alois yelling at us. I laugh, so does Sebastian.

"I've never done this with a demon before. This will be fun," I say locking the door.

"Excuse me?" Sebastian says taking his jacket off.

"Oh that's right. You didn't know that I knew. It's okay I won't tell anyone. By the way I think it makes you even hotter," I say trying be flirty with him.

"Um o-okay," Sebastian says. "So what are we suppose to do?"

"Anything we want," I say smiling.

"Okay," Sebastian says with a small smile.

I start to take off my dress. I have on a tee shirt and shorts on under it.

Sebastian starts to take his gloves off.

"Good I thought I would have to keep these on the whole seven minutes," he says while taking off his gloves. "They do get rather uncountable."


Sebastian and I spend most talking and laying on the ground. We talk for a while until I notice Sebastian getting a little bored. I try to make thing more interesting by unbuttoning his shirt. He starts to undo my corset. Then I start playing with hair. He does the same to me.

Then he does something terrible. He start to unbutton and unzip my shorts.

"Sebastian, stop!" I say getting up, but I'm too late my pants have already fallen off.

"M-my lady what happened to your the top of your legs?" Sebastian says worried. He's talking about my scars that cover the top of my legs. I put them that high so I can wear short and still have them covered.

"It''s nothing," I say but I can tell he doesn't believe me. I move to the corner of the room and start crying. I haven't cried this hard since the beginning of the school year.

"My lady please talk to me. You can trust me. I won't tell anyone," Sebastian says walking over to me. He hugs me tight. "So will you tell me what happened to your legs?"

"S-S-Sebastian, I'm the reason these scars are on my legs," I start crying harder. I've never told someone this much before. I'm scared to see what he thinks of me now that he know my deepest secret. Marie doesn't even know about this.

"Please explain," Sebastian says.

Wait does he actually care about me? Does he actually want to listen to me?

I wipe my tears away and start talking.

"It all when I started middle school, a few years ago...," I began to tell him. I sit right up against him. I never told anyone this stuff before so I don't know how he or how I will react. He puts his arm around me and I continue.

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