Chapter 23

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My eyes flew open and I was on the ground. I looked around and noticed I was back in tulsa. I stood up and looked down at myself. I was wearing a light blue hoodie and black leggings. I had grey converse on and my long hair was dirty blonde, just like Jenna's was. I looked around and found myself outside of my house. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

"Jenna?!" Finns voice asked in disbelief.

No. I'm autumn. Your sister.

I smiled "Yeah it's me." I lied. He hugged me tightly and I hugged back.

"Gosh I missed your hugs." I told him. It was the truth.

"Me too. Man, you haven't changed a bit." I let out a small laugh.

"Oh sorry, come in." He took my bag from me and brought it inside. I followed him in.

"Mom! Come here!" Finn exclaimed. My mom came out of her room. She looked different. She wasn't as happy as she was. I ran to her and hugged her tightly, tearing up.

"Mo- I mean Aunt Clarissa!" I corrected myself.

"Oh Jenna is that really you?" She held my shoulders looking in my eyes.


I nodded. "I missed you!" I told her.

"Oh sweetie I missed you too!!" She hugged me again. She took my coat and sat me down in the living room.

"It's been so long!" My mom exclaimed. I smiled and nodded.

"How much have I missed?" I asked, pretending not to know.

"Jacks in college in Washington. He's on his way back. These two teenage boys moved in with us a few years ago, Ponyboy and Sodapop. Ponyboy was dating autumn." She started to cry.

I hugged her. "I'm so sorry about autumn. Thats the reason I'm here. My godmother sent me to attend the funeral. She was actually hoping I could stay with you for a few months?" I asked hopefully.

"Of course honey!" She smiled all teary eyed. I smiled.

"Thank you."

"Oh you have to meet Pony and Soda!" She said excitedly. I gulped. I was gonna see pony again.

"A-alright." I stood up and followed her to their room.

"Boys this is Jenna, my niece. Jenna, this is Ponyboy and Sodapop." My mom introduced. I felt a lump in my throat as I looked at pony. He mumbled a slight hello.

"Hey Jenna. Nice to meet you." Soda gave me a small smile.

"You too." I shook his outstretched hand.

"Ponyboy, would you mind showing Jenna around town?" My mom encouraged.

"What? Oh yeah." He got up and slid his shoes on, he hadn't even looked at me. I followed him out the door. He kicked a small pebble at his feet as we walked down the dirt road. He didn't bother telling me where we were, which was fine since I already knew. I glanced back at him and caught myself staring. He noticed too and gave me a look that said 'what?!'

I looked down. "Ponyboy you're not gonna believe me, but I'm Autumn." I gulped.

Reckless Love: Sequel to Careless LoveWhere stories live. Discover now