Chapter 3

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"I-I'm pregnant." I informed him. His eyes widened and his mouth formed a huge grin. I smiled.

"Oh my god? Are you serious? That's amazing!" He yelled, picking me up and spinning me around. I laughed, wrapping my arms around his neck. He set me down and kissed me, passionately.

"I love you Angel." He told me.

"I love you too pony." I smiled.

"Well that was cute... But, we need to celebrate!!" Kaitlin exclaimed. Pony and I pulled away and I smiled up at him. He grinned back. I faced Kaitlin and gabi and nodded.

"Alright I'll get the cake and snacks and gabi you can get the streamers and the balloons and Autumn you can get the cups and plates and pony you can get the music and then well all come back here and set up and-oh what about the rest of the boys we have to tell them and so we can invite them over and they'll all come and it'll be all set up and well tell them all that you're pregnant and well have so much fun!" Kaitlin yelled, all in one breath. My eyes widened and I started laughing. She furrowed her eyebrows.

"What're you waiting for? Let's hit the road!" She exclaimed. I smiled. I got in Pony's car and Kaitlin got in gabi's and we went our separate ways.

"So do you want to schedule a doctors appointment?" Ponyboy asked.

"Sure. I'll ask them for their next available slot." I replied, smiling. He smiled back, than focused on the road again. Truth be told, I was terrified. I knew that I have Ponyboy, but what if the baby had Down syndrome or a different disability? I mean I would still love them just as much, but it would cost us tons. I bit my lip as I thought more about it. The tires screeched as we pulled to a stop in front of the store.

"Alright so let's get a pack of 15 plates, and 15 cups. And I'll get some music." Pony told me, kissing my cheek. I smiled and we went to separate aisles. I grabbed the plates and cups, heading to the music aisle. I spotted pony picking out some Elvis songs. When we were finished, we checked out, then went back to the car.

"Ponyboy I'm really glad you're okay with this. I was kinda scared you wouldn't want the kid." I told him, looking down. He turned to me, lifting my chin up with his two fingers.

"I can't wait. I love you Angel." He replied, smiling. I smiled back.

"I love you too pone." I stated. He leaned in and kissed my cheek, then started driving. We pulled up to my house and Kaitlin and Gabi were already back with their supplies, and they were setting up.

"Wow guys, this looks fantastic!" I exclaimed. They smiled and thanked me. We turned on some music and finished setting up. Dally, two-bit, soda, and Steve walked in right then, perfect timing.

"Hey! What's all this for?" Soda asked, kicking off his shoes.

"Guys...take a seat. I need to tell you something." I told them, slowly. They sat down. Pony wrapped his arm around me waist, reassuringly. I took a deep breath.

"I'm...." I started.

"Autumns pregnant!!" Kaitlin shouted.

"Oops...sorry." She added, blushing. I smiled a little. The boys looked from Kaitlin to me, wide eyed.

Reckless Love: Sequel to Careless LoveWhere stories live. Discover now