Chapter 11

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Four months later

I sat down, pouring myself a bowl of cereal. They still haven't told us much about gabi. I hope she's okay. Soda asked Kaitlin to be his girlfriend last month, and she said yeah. If gabi comes back, man I dunno what will happen. But I have to admit, Kate and soda are the cutest. Besides me and pony of course.

"And next, we have breaking news. 18 year old Gabriella Wilson's body is found in an alley, yesterday." I spit out my milk and jerked my head to the tv. Gabi's picture was up. I started crying as they announced her dead.

"Autumn what's wrong? Are you okay?!" Pony asked, running down the stairs. I shook my head and pointed to the tv. His jaw dropped.

"Oh my god." He exclaimed, shocked. He pulled me into a hug and I cried into his chest. After about three minutes, there was a knock on the door. Ponyboy went to open it. Kaitlin ran in and hugged me tightly. We were both crying now. Soda came down the stairs, looking like he had just woken up.

"What's all the noise? Why are they crying?" He asked Ponyboy.

"Gabi. She's d-dead." Pony informed him. His eyes widened. They both walked over and joined in, all four of us hugging each other.

The gang was here, and they all knew about the news now. Dallas stood up and ran out the door. I let go of Ponyboy and chased after him.

"Dallas! Dally please come back!" I called out after him. He kept running, so I followed him.

"Dally please! I can't lose you too." I pleaded. He stopped and turned around, tears slipping down his cheeks. I hugged him tightly.

"I liked her. A lot. And I was gonna tell her. But then she ran away, and I knew we had to find her and now she's dead and I just.." His voice trailed off.

"I know. I get it." I told him, comfortingly. I felt the baby kick, and I cringed a little, surprised. I'm more than eight months pregnant, and I'm huge! I can't wait to get the baby out. Pony and I both decided we wanted to know the gender, and it was a girl. We were still deciding names, but we had one special one in mind.

"Autumn? Autumn..?" Dally questioned, waving his hand in front of my face. I looked up at him, grinning.

"Sorry. I zoned out." I told him. I've been doing that a lot lately. Maybe I'm just stressed. He smiled and shook his head. We started walking back.

"So what were you thinkin about?" Dally asked.

"The baby." I replied, simply. He grinned.

"Man that kids gonna be cute." He told me. I laughed.

"Yeah I guess well see," I paused, "Wait a minute. Is this Mr. Dallas 'I don't like kids' Winston I'm talking to?" I asked, playfully.

"Yanno people change.." He replied, sarcastically. I laughed.

"I won't believe it till I see it." I stated. He chuckled as we arrived at my house.

"Hey. You alright?" Two-Bit asked when we came in. We both nodded.

"Yeah." I told him. He smiled. I walked across the living room, about to go upstairs and watch a movie, and relax and just think about life. Steve grabbed my wrist.

"Ohh no ya don't." He told me. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Why not?" I questioned.

"Horseman is making something for fall." Two-Bit whispered, trying to look sneaky. Now I raised my eyebrows.

"Okay..that made no sense." I told him. I sat on the couch.

"Yes it does. You just have to decode it." He replied. I smiled. Hmm.. Horseman, I remember that's what Two-Bit called Ponyboy once, and he got really mad. Okay so Ponyboy is making something for fall? Like a decoration? A leaf blower? Carving a pumpkin? I looked up. The boys, and Kaitlin, were all watching me. I stifled a laugh and kept thinking. Hm. Maybe....No! I'm fall! Autumn is another name for fall!

"Aw Pony's making me something?" I cooed. Steve rolled his eyes.

"Took ya long enough." He chimed in. I scoffed and pushed his shoulder, laughing. He grinned and glared at me. I pushed a strand of hair behind my ear as soda handed me a piece of chocolate cake. I grinned.

"Thanks so." I told him.

"Welcome." He answered, smiling. After about half an hour, Two-Bit stood up and went upstairs.

"Horseman is ready for you." He announced, in a horrible British accent, when he came back down. I laughed and stood up. Two-bit placed a blindfold over my eyes.

"Oh no. Please don't tell me I have to trust you to lead me up there." I exclaimed. He laughed.

"Nope soda." He replied. I smiled, relieved. Soda placed his hands on my shoulders and led me to the stairs. When we finally got to the top, he took me to the left, then straight. The blindfold was removed and my jaw dropped. I was standing in the old guest room. It was painted baby pink with little clouds on the ceiling. There was a crib, a changing table, a rocking chair, a stroller, food, blankets, toys, everything you need to take care of a baby. Ponyboy was standing there, smiling. I ran into his arms.

"Pony I love it!! Thank you so much! This is so sweet!" I exclaimed. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me.

"I love you Autumn." He stated. I smiled.

"I love you too pone." I pulled away and looked back at all of the stuff.

"How in the world did you afford all of this?" I asked in awe.

"Well, I've been saving up for nine months, and the boys pitched in some." He explained. I nodded.

"Aw you're the best." I told him. He smiled and kissed me, lovingly.

"Awwww." A chorus echoed throughout the gang. I laughed. I felt a weird wetness around my bottom. I gasped.

"Pony. I think my water just broke."

Reckless Love: Sequel to Careless LoveWhere stories live. Discover now