Chapter 21

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Autumns POV

"What's happening?! Pony what's wrong?!" I exclaimed. The doctor rushed in.

"What's going on?! Oh my. Oh I'm so sorry, son." He told Ponyboy, putting a hand on his shoulder. He pushed a red button on the wall.

"Hey! Why are you sorry? What does that button do? What's happening?" He didn't answer me. Moments later, two nurses came in with a body bag.

"Am I okay? Am I dying?!" I asked them. They walked right through me. My eyes widened and I looked behind me. My lifeless body lay on the bed, covered in cuts.

"I-is that me?" I choked out. The nurses picked it up and laid the body inside the bag.

"No! No please! Autumn please! Don't die! No!!" Ponyboy yelled as they zipped the bag. He sunk to his knees, sobbing uncontrollably.

"Pony! I'm right here! Please. Can't you hear me?" He got up and ran. I had no idea where he was going, he just ran. He ran past the gang and out the door. I jumped up, following him. He ran to a big hill and sat down, bringing his knees to his chest. He put his arms on his knees, and buried his face in his arms.

"Ponyboy? Ponyboy! Wait, there he is!" Jack exclaimed as he pointed to the figure on the hill. They all ran to us. I jumped in front of them.

"Guys! Can you hear me? Can you see me?!" Again, they went right through me. Finn sat down, putting a hand on Pony's shoulder. Charlotte squirmed out of Finns arms, and sat down on Pony's lap. She looked up at him and played with the strings on his jacket. I started crying at the sight of my sweet, innocent baby girl.

"She's gone. She's dead." Ponyboy sobbed. Is he talking about me? Am I dead?

"I know Pone. She's in a better place now. Somewhere with no Socs. No trucks. Just peace." Finn told him.

"No. I'm not. I'm still here! Can't you see that?!?" I yelled, frustrated and confused. Ponyboy nodded and sniffed. Soda sat beside him.

"C'mon pone. We need to move on. You need to accept the fact that she's gone and there's nothing we can do about it. It happened, it's over. You need to move on. Well help you through it." Soda told him, tears falling from his eyes. Ponyboy let out a sob.

"Moving on sounds easy, but it's like being suffocated over and over again. But you can't stop it. You can't bring her back. I loved her soda. I really did." He confessed, not bothering to wipe away his never ending tears.

"I loved you too, Ponyboy. I still do." I whispered, helplessly.

"I know ya did pony. We all did. And it's gonna be tough to keep going without her, but she's always gonna be here. She'll still sit on the counter at the DX and giggle when we come in with grease all over us. She'll always be sitting on the hill, watching the sunset. She'll be playing cards with us, and she'll be fighting in the rumble. She's still here Ponyboy. Right here." Soda explained, pointing to his heart. Ponyboy sniffed.

"C'mon let's get home." Soda suggested, helping him up. What do I do?! Do I follow them? Where exactly am I? Shouldn't I be in Heaven? I'm dead, aren't i?

Ponyboy picked up Charlotte, and she stared at him, her head tilted to the right.

"Awe you sad dada?" She asked him. He looked at her.

"Yeah CJ. I'm sad." He told her, gently pushing the curly hair out of her eyes.

"Is okay daddy." She replied, resting her head on his shoulder. My heart dropped. He sighed and kissed her forehead, following the rest of the boys. I decided to follow them, and just figure it out.

Reckless Love: Sequel to Careless LoveWhere stories live. Discover now