Chapter 26

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I looked in his eyes. "Who?""

"Genevieve Walsh. This girl that used to bully her." I clenched my jaw at the thought of that..that..whatever she is. I can't stand the thought of her. She made my life a living hell. If it weren't for Ponyboy, I would've been dead because of her.

"Jenna?" Two-Bit asked, waving his hand in my face.

Who's Jenna?

"Sorry," I chuckled, "just lost in my thoughts."

"You're just like Autumn yanno that? Your personality." Two laughed. I laughed along. "she was a good kid.. She didn't deserve to die." He said, his smile fading. I nodded and looked down.

If only they knew.

"I have to go." I jumped out of my seat and ran out the door. My feet pounded on the pavement until I arrived at my house. I knocked gently. The door swung open slightly and Ponyboy stood there.

"Hey.." I bit my lip, "can I talk to you?" He stepped back and let me in, closing the door and leading me to his bedroom. We sat on his bed.

"Ponyboy, I really need you to listen, okay?" I cautioned. He nodded, looking in my eyes. "I am Autumn. I know you don't believe me, but I am! Just hear me out. I tried to commit suicide because Aubrey and Genevieve were bullying me. I had two best friends, Kaitlin and Gabby. But Gabby ran away when Kaitlin kissed Soda and she was found dead. I was kidnapped by the Socs and they almost killed my baby. We named our baby Charlotte Jamison Curtis and we call her CJ. Please Ponyboy, I'm telling the truth!" I begged, holding his hands in mind. He gave me a cold, hard stare.

"Half of that stuff was on the news. And anyone can find that out by doing their research. You're sick, Jenna. Really sick." He spat.

Reckless Love: Sequel to Careless LoveWhere stories live. Discover now