Chapter 23

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"I am the Lord. This..." A gorgeous white palace appeared, glistening golden gates in front. " Heaven." The voice told me. I gasped.

"W-wait really? I'm in Heaven?" I was in awe.

"Yes Autumn. Open the gates." The Lord ordered. I walked slowly towards them. I reached out and my fingers grazed the shiny gold. The swung open, smoothly and majestically. My jaw dropped.

"Oh my...." I looked around.

"Ar-are those...Angels?" I asked, in shock. Hundreds of humans were walking around, dressed in white. Half of them had wings, flying through the palace.

"Yes. You must earn your wings." The Lord informed me.

"How?" I questioned.

"You must find out who killed you. And why."

"But I was in a car crash. What if it was an accident?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"It wasn't an accident, Autumn. That driver meant to kill you. Or at least hurt you." He explained. My eyes widened.

"B-but why? Who was it?!" I exclaimed.

"That's what you have to find out. I'm sending you back to Earth. This time, people can see and hear you. But it won't be you. You will be in the form of an eighteen year old girl named Jenna Harries."

"My cousin Jenna Harries?" I asked. Jenna had moved out of state with her godmother and nobody knew where she went. She was the same age as me, and we were pretty much best friends until she left, when we were 12.

"Yes. You will be returning from Florida to attend the funeral. You need to find out as much information as you can." I nodded.

"A-alright. When?" I gulped.

"Now." Everything went black.

Reckless Love: Sequel to Careless LoveWhere stories live. Discover now