Chapter 13

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"Autumn, wake up hun." Ponyboy said, kissing my forehead. I smiled and sat up, sleepily. I glanced towards the clock, 9:43.

"Are we going home?" I asked.

"Yeah, I just signed us out." He informed me, smiling. I grinned and got out of bed, slipping on my coat and shoes. A nurse came in, holding Charlotte.

"Your baby is beautiful. You two will be great parents. Have a nice day." She told us, handing our little girl to Ponyboy. He carefully put her in the carrier and slipped his other hand in mine. I smiled and thanked the nurse, and we left the hospital.

As we pulled up to our house, I looked down at Charlotte. I smiled as her bright brown eyes looked back up at me. Pony put his hand on my thigh.

"I love you." He stated, kissing me softly. I smiled.

"I love you too." We got out, walking up the front steps to the house. We opened the door and the house was dark. I reached over to turn on the light.

"SURPRISE!!" Loud voices yelled. I jumped and squealed. I'm glad pony was carrying Charlotte, or I might've dropped her! Dally, soda, two-bit, Steve, Kaitlin, and Finn jumped out.

"Oh my god you guys!!" I exclaimed, smiling hugely. I looked over to Ponyboy, who was grinning. Kaitlin ran over and gave me a big hug. I smiled and hugged her back. I looked around. There was a big banner that read, "Welcome Home, CJ!"

"Aw CJ, I like that!" I exclaimed. There was a pizza on the coffee table, and streamers and balloons everywhere. It was so cute! We all sat down around the table. Kaitlin and soda were sitting on the floor, his arm wrapped around her. Two-Bit and Steve sat on the small couch, and I sat in between pony and dally on the bigger couch. We put Charlotte in the arm chair in her carrier. Steve dished out the pizza, which was delicious, then we had some chocolate cake.

"Guys this is so fun. Thank you all!" I exclaimed, hugging everyone.

"Time for presents!" Two/bit announced.

"Aw guys you didn't have to get me anything!" I told them, laughing.

"Yes we did." Steve said, ruffling my hair. I grinned and soda handed me his present. He got yellow footsie pajamas and three bedtime stories for kids.

"Aw thanks soda!" I exclaimed.

"Sure thing.." He laughed. I opened two-bits. He got Charlotte a red long sleeve shirt with grey leggings. I hugged him and thanked him.

"Open mine!" Steve yelled.

"Alright alright!" I said, laughing. Steve got her a pink blanket with a little stuffed dog.

"Steve she's gonna love this!!!" I handed the dog to Charlotte and she giggled and played with it. I opened dallys next. He got her gym shoes and a baby leather jacket.

"Oh my god dal this is so cute!!!" I exclaimed, hugging him. Kaitlin handed me her present. She got a bib, some movies, and socks.

"Thanks Kate!" I hugged her. Pony already gave me his HUGE present, so they were all done.

"You guys are the best! Thank you!!" I threw away all of the wrapping paper and stuff.

Reckless Love: Sequel to Careless LoveWhere stories live. Discover now