Chapter 10

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Kaitlin went and it landed on soda. They leaned in and kissed. When they pulled away, they stayed still, staring at each other, both blushing. Gabi jumped up, storming away. I hopped up.

"Gabi! Gabi come back! It's getting dark cmon!" I called out, running after her. Somebody got up and followed me. I turned to see Ponyboy and Dallas. I turned back around and kept chasing after gabi. She sped up, running into the forest. I was about to go in, but Dally beat me to it. Pony grabbed my hand.

"C'mon." He led me through the dark forest. We bumped into dally after a couple minutes.

"I can't find her!" He exclaimed, looking upset. I frowned.

"Gabi! Please come back!" I shouted. No answer.

"Did you find her?" A deep voice asked behind me. I jumped and turned to see Steve, with two-bit, soda, and Kaitlin behind him. I shook my head. After about another hour and a half of searching, I checked the time.

"It's already midnight. Finns probably worried. We should go home and report a missing person to the cops." I told them. They all agreed. Dally seemed hesitant about it, but he followed us. We gathered our stuff and got back in the car. Kaitlin had tears in her eyes.

"It's my fault she's missing. Ugh I knew she liked soda, and I still flirted with him." She stated. I wrapped my arm around her.

"It's okay. Well find her." I assured her. She sighed and we got into sodas car with Ponyboy. I leaned my head on ponys shoulder as Kaitlin got in front next to soda. After about twenty minutes of silence, Ponyboy was asleep, and I had my eyes closed.

"Kaitlin," soda started, thinking I was asleep.

"I know this is a really bad time, but I can't hold it in. I like you. A lot." He confessed. There was silence.

"I like you too soda. But until we find gabi and we talk it out, I think we need to keep this between the two of us." She told him.

"Okay, I get it." He replied. She thanked him and the silence returned.

Twenty more minutes finally passed and we pulled to the our house. Soda went inside to get Finn. I pretended to just wake up.

"Hey were getting Finn and the going to the station." Kaitlin informed me. I nodded and looked over at Ponyboy. He was sleeping peacefully. I smiled at the sight and slipped my hand in his. He stirred a little, opening his eyes.

"Hey." I stayed, smiling slightly. He smiled and squeezed my hand. Finn walked out, soda right beside him. We pulled away, heading to the police station. When we got there, Steve, dally, and Two-Bit were waiting outside. We all went in together.

"Hi. I'd like to report a missing person." Finn told the officer.

"Come with me." The officer ordered us all to follow him. He led us to a grey room. We each sat down.

"Alright. Can you tell me the story?" He asked.

"It was about two hours ago, around midnight. We were hanging out at the beach, and we decided to play spin the bottle. Gabi got mad when I landed on Kaitlin. She got up and stomped away, and Ponyboy, Steve, and Autumn chased after her. She ran into the forest, and we lost her." Soda explained to the officer. He was writing it down as soda spoke.

"Alright. Can you give me a description of 'gabi'?" The officer asked.

"Her full name is Gabriella Rose Wilson. She's about 5'8". She has long, straight dark brown hair that goes down to like halfway down her back. She has hazel eyes and she's pretty tan." Kaitlin spoke up. He wrote it down.

"Okay I'll send this in an well let you know." The officer told us. We nodded and thanked him, then left the station.

Reckless Love: Sequel to Careless LoveWhere stories live. Discover now