Chapter 12

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"Pony. I think my water just broke." I stated, rushingly. His eyes widened as he and soda helped me to the car. We sped to the hospital.

"Hey! She's having a baby! We need assistance!" Steve yelled. A nurse came rushing out with a wheelchair. I sat down in it as they wheeled me away. Ponyboy came in the room with me. I was changed out of my clothes into a hospital gown. They laid me on the bed.

"Alright take deep breaths and push!" The nurse ordered, and Ponyboy squeezed my hand.

After about fifteen minutes of grunting, groaning, pushing, yelling, cussing, and more, a bloody little infant came out. I sighed in relief and leaned back on the bed.

"You did a great job! Are you okay?" Ponyboy asked. I smiled and nodded.

"Yeah." I replied. He leaned down and kissed my forehead. The door opened once more and the nurse entered, carrying my little girl. She set her gently in my arms. A tear fell from my eye as I smiled at her. She cooed and played with my fingers.

"She's adorable." I exclaimed. Pony placed his hand on my shoulder.

"She's perfect." He stated. I looked up at him and smiled. I nodded and looked back down at her.

"So have you picked a name?" The nurse questioned. I nodded.

"Charlotte Jamison Curtis." I exclaimed. She smiled and wrote it down, then showed me to double check the spelling.

"Would you like me to invite your friends in?" She asked. I nodded.

"Yes please." I answered. She nodded and left the room. I lifted Charlotte up and gently handed her to Ponyboy. He smiled and held her in his arms. The gang entered, quietly. I smiled. Kaitlin ran over and gave me a big hug, followed by soda. One by one, the gang held Charlotte.

"She's so small!" Dally exclaimed, holding her in his arms. I giggled at the sight of the tall, tough hood holding a tiny, weak baby. Dal handed her to soda, carefully. Soda grinned.

"Hey Charlotte." He whispered, smiling. Charlotte smiled, a small, toothless smile, and played with the strings on his sweatshirt. She was gently passed to Steve, and then two-bit.

"Y'all did a good job." Steve commented as he held her.

"When you come home, imma teach you everything about Mickey Mouse." Two-Bit informed Charlotte. She giggled and stuck three small fingers in her mouth. Two-Bit handed her back to the nurse.

"Alright were gonna keep you two overnight, and well send you home in the morning." The nurse informed me. I nodded. She laid Charlotte down in a mini crib next to my bed and laid a blanket over her. The boys all said their goodbyes and left, except for Ponyboy. I scooted over, making room for him in the bed. He laid down and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close to his chest. I smiled at the familiar smell of smoke and cologne as I drifted off to sleep.

Reckless Love: Sequel to Careless LoveWhere stories live. Discover now