Chapter 2

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I woke up the next morning, still in the same position. I lifted my head off of Pony's shoulder, seeing that he was sleeping, along with dally, Kaitlin, two-bit, Steve, and gabi. I walked into the kitchen and found soda making pancakes.

"Hi Sodapop!" I exclaimed, cheerily. He turned, grinning.

"Hey angel." He greeted. I smiled and poured a bunch of glasses of orange juice, setting them on the table. Kaitlin walked in.

"Hey Kate." I said. She smiled.

"Hey." She replied, sitting down. Gabi came in, followed by Dallas, then two-bit, Ponyboy, and Steve. We all sat down and started eating.

"Soooo... How is it?" soda asked us.

"I gotta say your cooking has gotten so much better." I replied, laughing. He grinned and thanked me. I glanced over at the clock.

"Shit! I'm late for work!" I shouted, realizing that i was supposed to be at the dingo twenty minutes ago. I hopped up and sprinted upstairs, getting ready as fast as I could. I ran back downstairs and found Ponyboy waiting in the car. I smiled and slid in.

"Got everything?" He asked me. I nodded. He started driving. We pulled up at the dingo.

"Bye! Love you! Thanks for the ride." I told him, kissing him quickly. He smiled.

"Love you too!" He called out as I hopped out. I waved as I opened the door to the restaurant.

9:00 pm

I closed the door behind me, leaving the dingo. I started walking home, humming quietly to myself. As I neared my house, I felt sick. I sprinted home and ran to the bathroom, throwing up in the toilet. I groaned and wiped my mouth, standing up. I brushed my teeth and changed, collapsing on my bed and falling asleep, exhausted.

I woke up around 10 the next morning. Pony was at school and my mom was at work, so it was just me soda. I stood up and made my way downstairs. I poured some cereal, then sat on the couch. After about ten minutes of channel surfing, I finally decided on Looney Tunes. I had watched two episodes when soda came down, dressed in his DX uniform.

"Hey. I got called in last minute to work. Will you be okay by yourself?" Soda asked me. I smiled.

"Yeah of course. Ill see you later." I replied. He grinned and waved, exiting the house. On his way out, he ran into Kaitlin and gabi, who were coming in.

"Hey ladies." He greeted them.

"Hi soda." Gabi replied. Kaitlin smiled as they came inside.

"Hey hey hey!" She greeted cheerfully.

"Hey!" I laughed. They sat down next to me and we joked around, like friends do.

"Soooo... Sandy and Sodapop aren't doin too good.." I told gabi. Her eyes lit up.

"Like how?" She asked.

"They've been fighting. Soda always comes home upset after their dates. I reckon they're gonna split." I stated. She smiled.

"That's great! Well, bad for them. But great for me!" She exclaimed. Kaitlin and I laughed. Suddenly I felt a churning in my stomach. I ran to the bathroom, throwing up in the toilet again. I sighed. Kaitlin and gabi rushed in.

"Autumn! Are you okay?" Kaitlin asked, worried. I leaned against the walls, my elbows on my knees.

"Yeah..I'm fine." I told them. I leaned over, throwing up once again.

"Have you eaten anything strange?" Gabi questioned. I shook my head.

"Autumn... Have you and Ponyboy...done it?" Kaitlin asked me. I nodded, wiping my mouth. Her eyes widened, along with gabi's. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Wha-oh!" I gasped, realizing what was going on.

"We need to get you a test!" Gabi exclaimed. I nodded and we rushed out the door. We got in sodas car, and gabi was driving. As soon as we pulled up, Kaitlin jumped out and ran into the store. A few minutes later, she exited the store with a bag in her hand. She got in and we drove back to the house. I stood in the hall, scared. What if pony decided he didn't want the baby? What if he left me?

"Were here for you. No matter what." Kaitlin told me. I nodded and went into the bathroom closing the door.

A few minutes later, I opened the door. Gabi and Kaitlin looked at me, waiting for an answer.

"It's positive." I told them, in shock. Huge grins grew on their faces. I smiled, also. Kaitlin hugged me tight, gabi doing the same.

"OMG!! YOURE GONNA HAVE A BABY!!!" She screamed. I laughed and nodded.

"I know!!" I replied happily. We kept talking and yelling, excited. We heard the door open.

"Anyone home?" Pony's voice rang out. My eyes widened and I ran downstairs, jumping in his arms.

"Woah. Hi!" He chuckled, surprised. I pulled away and bit my lip.

"Pony.." I started.

"Autumn.." He replied, mocking me. I giggled.

"I-I'm pregnant."

Reckless Love: Sequel to Careless LoveWhere stories live. Discover now