Chapter 9

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We walked up the beach and I grabbed the football.

"Who's up for some football?" I called out. They all cheered and ran to us. I giggled and tossed the ball to soda. He grinned. The captains were dally and soda.

"Alright... Autumn." Soda stated. I grinned and went over to his side.

"Ponyboy." Dally said. I fake pouted and blew pony a kiss. He grinned and returned it. I giggled.

"Steve." Soda chose.

"Two-bit." Dally added.

"Kaitlin." Soda declared. I smiled and high fived her.

"Gabi." Dally announced. She smiled.

"Alright we get ball first." Dallas called out. We got lined up and dally passed the ball to Ponyboy. Pony passed it to gabi, and she started running. I knocked her over, and we both started laughing. Soda threw the ball to Steve, who threw it to Kaitlin. Kaitlin threw it to me, and I threw it back to soda. He ran across the touchdown line.

"Yay!!" I cheered. After my team won a long, fun game of football, we all sat down on the towels.

"I'm gonna go back in. Anyone wanna come?" Kaitlin invited. Soda stood up.

"I will." He told her. She smiled. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw gabi tense up. I felt bad for her, I mean everyone knew that soda can get whatever girl he wants, and it looks like he wants Kaitlin.

After about twenty minutes, gabi suggested we go kayaking. I nodded excitedly. We went to the little shack and rented four double kayaks. Kaitlin and soda got in a double together. Gabi looked a little upset, but she forgot about it when dally invited her to go with him. Steve and two-bit got in a double, and so did Ponyboy and I. We started paddling down the lake. We agreed on racing, so we all lined up in the racing section.

"Go!" Soda yelled. We all started paddling quickly. I burst out laughing as two-bit and Steve's kayak tipped over. Two-bit popped up, then Steve, glaring at us, but that made me laugh even more. We were in the lead, but Dallas and gabi were catching up to us, with Kaitlin and soda right behind them. Dally and gabi took out place in the lead.

"Go pony go!" I yelled as we paddled. He laughed behind me. We glided across the finish line at the same time as dally and gabi. Soda and Kaitlin came shortly after, and we all waited for Steve and two-bit.

"We won!" I exclaimed. Dally shook his head.

"No way shortie. We won." He replied gesturing to himself and gabi. He grinned. I laughed, two and Steve finally finishing the race.

"Did we win?" Two-bit yelled. I burst out laughing, along with everyone else.

We returned our kayaks and decided to play spin the bottle. I went first, and it landed on Steve. I laughed and gave him a quick peck on the lips. He grinned and I scooted back over to Ponyboy, leaning on him. Steve spun and landed on two-bit. Two-bits very casually hit the bottle with his foot, making It slide over to gabi. We all laughed, and Steve gave gabi a quick kiss. Gabi spun, landing on dally. She leaned in and kissed him quickly, blushing. I smiled a little. I think she likes dally. Dally spun and landed on Ponyboy. We all laughed again.

"Autumn you can do it for me." Dally told me. I grinned and kissed Ponyboy. He smiled. Kaitlin went and it landed on soda. They leaned in and kissed. When they pulled away, they stayed still, staring at each other, both blushing. Gabi jumped up, storming away.

Reckless Love: Sequel to Careless LoveWhere stories live. Discover now