- prelude .

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I woke up to a cold cement ground and a sore back. I blink, my eyes blurry.

"What the fuck?" I think to myself. I had my own collection of weird things I woke up to, but this just takes the cake.

I was at the skatepark. I look around for my skateboard, it could be possible that I had a huge fall and knocked myself out.

Highly unlikely. No skateboard.

I pull myself off the ground and suddenly my side hurts. I groan, bringing my hands to my side. Fuck.

Did I drink too much and get in a fight?

I reach for my phone but I panic as it's not in my pocket, it's usual place.

Did I get in a drunk fight and get robbed?

Maybe my dad will know what I did. I dust my sweater off, ignoring the pounding pain on my side.

As I headed for the streets, I noticed it was devoid of any life. There was no cars, and this was one of the busiest streets in the whole wide world.

It was Friday. Maybe everyone is sleeping in. I glance to the sun, and wish I knew how to tell time by the position of the sun.

As I continue to walk down the empty roads, I begin to get scared. I saw a scenario like this in Left 4 Dead once.

I shake off the thought. No way in fucking way that people just randomly turned into zombies. People aren't capable of that.

I pull on my hood. Whatever happened to all the people, I could figure out later with dad and Daniel.

It was eerie. I step onto the empty street. The small crunches of small twigs amplified with the silent air. How I wish I had a piece of paper to capture how spooky this is.

As I neared my house, I made a mental list of questions to ask dad—the most important one being: "What the fuck did everyone do?"

"I'm hoome! Dad!" I close the door behind me. It was dark. "Daniel?"

I begin to panic. "Dad?" I'm too old for surprise parties, but I wished with all my might that this was just a surprise party.

I opened Daniel's room. He wasn't here. Fuck fuck fuck fuck.

I bite my nails. If dad and Daniel aren't here, where could they be?

My mind pulls every worst scenario I could ever pull up.

Why was I in the skate park? I suddenly remembered my side hurting, so I went into the washroom to check why it was.

In my reflection, I could see several cuts on my cheek and a bruised eye. Fuck.

I pull my t-shirt up and lean over to check it. What the fuck?


I pull my shirt down and begin panicking.

Maybe I got drunk and high and got in a big fight and got the shit beat out of me. I tried to remember, but to no avail.

All I remember is walking to the park with Lyla.

Oh fuck. Lyla.


im planning to make this a short story!!

i recently finished lis2, and i was a SOBBING mess, like literally. I got rlly inspired and was like

"hey this would be cool"

so here it is.

the nymph ☼ sean diaz ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें