Bonus chapter

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The burial.

Lee's POV.

I watched as they lowered him to the ground. The lid of his casket still open. I looked at the boy inside the casket, the only boy who has ever loved me truly.

He was dead.

Dead to the world. Already lowered six feet into the ground.

Everyone was crying. His billionaire parents. his lovely sister. His best friend. Close family members. Some of our classmates. They were all crying out their eyes. Except me.

They were all crying because they could feel, they had emotions. All of mine were dead as I watched the only one person who had shown love to me now lifeless.

Strong winds started blowing, indicating a storm was about to begin. They all turned to go. The men and women in black, they all scattered in the harsh rain, looking for shelters except me.

Maybe because they all had somewhere to go. They all still had people around them who still loved them.

They all had.

Except me.

My angel was gone.

I had a flashback to the day I first saw my angel. He was dressed in all black, his favorite colour.

I saw in the corner of my eyes as I passed him how he stared at me curiously, like he was trying to figure out something about me.

He was the only person who cared to know me, to acknowledge my existence. And just like that, he was gone.

My parents had died when I was 5 leaving me with my abusive uncle who used me as his sex doll, I had ran away from him when I was 13 and lived in the streets, even there no one cared to look at me more than once. To them i didn't exist.

I begged for alms to eat and was adopted by two drug addicts who made me work for them like a slave before they could send me to school, the last day I had felt loved was the day my parents died in a car crash leaving me alone in this cruel world until he came along and made me feel loved again,by sacrificing his life.

Now he was gone.

Thats what they all do, leave me.

I stared as the heavy wind shut the lid to the casket. Shutting me away from what was laid inside it. Forever.


I actually cried while writing that.

Tell me what you feel about it...

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