Chapter twenty eight: Parent's trouble

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Dedicated to Peony99

Anne's POV.

They teamed up.


Totally unbelievable.

Never in my life had I thought that the two cult groups in my school would team up.

I thought about what happened in back in school and shook my head.

'What's wrong?'. Mom asked.

She was beside me cutting vegetables while I was cleaning the the counter.

'Something school'. I wasn't sure if I should tell her because my mom sometimes takes things too seriously and I thought telling her we have two cult groups might just trigger her annoying mother behavior.

'Care to tell?'.

'Only if you promise not to take it seriously'.

'I promise'.

'Really? Even if it involves violence'.

'As long as you're not part of it then I'm fine with it'.

'OK,...... Well, the two cult groups in my school teamed up today'.

She raised perfectly shaped eyebrow as if to ask why I didn't tell her before that there were cult groups in my school.

And I gave her a duh look as if to say when is she ever around for us to talk.

She took a deep breath and motioned for me to continue.

'That's it'. I said.

'Why did they team up? There must be a reason at least if they were enemies before, were they?'.

'Yes they were. And the reason they teamed up was because another cult group from another school kidnapped Evan's girlfriend. Sorry.. Crush'.

'Evan? Who's Ev---'.

'The leader of one of the cult groups'.



'Sounds like something from a movie'.

'I know right'.

'I hope they find her'.

'Me too'.

We were both silent for a while. She, digesting what she just heard and me, praying silently that she does not change her mind and decide to call the principal of the school and rant to him about his irresponsibility by allowing cults in the school.

Well, my prayer was answered but then what happened next
Was far worse than having her call the principal.

'About that boy..'. She trailed off.

'Which boy?'. I asked having an idea of what she meant.

'Mr Richards son'.

'Oh'. I could feel blood rush to my cheeks and she must have noticed it because she sighed.

'You know, he's way below you?'.


'He's not the type of person I want with my daughter,Anne'.

'I don't und----'.

'You understand perfectly what I'm saying'. Her face was very serious and I didn't like it at all. She always had that witchy look whenever she was angry.

'You think I didn't see how you kept stealing glances at him? How you literarily ran after him when he left? What the hell is wrong with you Anne? Are you blind? Can't you see how he's way below you? He shouldn't even be able to touch your feet yet you want to be with him'.

'Mummy stop'.

'Do not tell me to stop. He's the son of our driver, Anne. He's the freaking son of our driver and you still want to be with him after knowing that. Why can't you be like your sister and be with someone that deserves you?.

'Mummy please stop'. I begged tears were already polling down my face.

She calmed down a bit and her voice were soft and emotionless when she said. 'I don't care what you feel for him. You will not date him'. Then she walked away leaving me drowning in my own tears.


'Is it true?'.

'Daddy i--'.

'Is. It. True Anne? Are you in love with the driver's son?'.

'Yes.' I said. My eyes lowered to the ground in defeat.

'Then you must get rid of the feeling'.

'Daddy I can't'.

'You will'. Or else I'll fire his dad's ass'. He walked away angrily to his witchy wife who unfortunately was my mother.

I couldn't control the tears and sob uncontrollably.

Anna came and pulled me into a hug while stroking my head and I sobbed into her chest.


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