Chapter ten: ♥Revenge plan 1♥

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Anne's POV.

I'm going to school today. After spending one week at home with my sister we managed to form a plan to get revenge.

The plan isn't only to make James a laughing stock at school but to pass the unwanted attention away from me.

We were going to look for a bad thing he has done that could tarnish his image and make him lose his fans.
Yes...the idiot has a fan club made up of only girls including girls from middle school.

Ever since I've been home I've been wondering what got me attracted to the fool. I know it's probably his good looks but seriously? I knew of his rotten behaviour and I still went ahead and dated him.

But I'm going to get revenge. I know people will throw me rotten looks immediately I step into the school premises but I'd endure.

The idiot doesn't know what's coming his way.

With that I went into my closet and took out a tee shirt and black jeans with a blue jean jacket and threw it on.
I went to my shoe rack and took out a white sneakers then i stood in front of my mirror.

I'm not a fan of makeup and even
though I have plenty of makeups given to me by Anna I rarely use them so like other days I went for my natural look and carried my bag.

'Hey little sister' Anna greeted immediately I entered the kitchen.

'Hi' I said rather shyly. Ever since the day I found out that she knows about the video I've been shy around her.

'You know there's no reason to be shy around me' she assured.
'I'm not shy' I lied.
'OK'. I could tell she didn't believe me but chose to drop it which I'm grateful of.

I sighed. How was I going to face the whole school if I can't face my own sister. Wait a minute Essa and Emily haven't called since that day.

I wonder if they're also angry at me. But come to think if it. It's not like I did something bad. I just had sex with my boyfriend scratch that ex boyfriend now there's nothing really wrong with that. is there?

If that fool hadn't taken out the stupid revenge on me nobody would know about our rendezvous right?

I really should stop blaming myself

'You know this is not your fault right?' I was pulled out of my thought.

'W-what is that?' I asked even though I knew exactly what she was talking about.

She decided to humor me 'this whole thing happening. It's not your fault you know right?
If you want to blame someone then blame me'.

Blame her? What the hell is she saying why would I blame her.

'Why should I blame you after all you aren't the one he screwed'.

She looked down as if guilty. 'If I had warned you about going out with him this wouldn't have happened'.

'Warned me?' You didn't even know.
'I knew you guys attend the same school and are in the same grade. I should have thought of this but instead I thought...'. She looked down and I could see she was really feeling guilty.

'You can't blame yourself. I know you think you're responsible for all that happens to me but this...this is out of it. You couldn't have known'.

'OK if you don't want me to blame myself then stop blaming yourself'. She said.

'I-im not blaming myself'. I said more like whispered.

She raised an eyebrow at me.
'Fine, I'll stop blaming myself'. I snapped.

She smiled 'that's my girl. Now finish that food and let's get you to school'.

Hearing school my heart started beating fast but I didn't let it show that I was nervous and rolled my eyes.

I finished my food and Anna dragged me to the car and pushed me into the seat then went and got in at the drivers side.


We pulled up in front of the school and my heart went crazy just staring at the building.

'It's ok to be nervous you know' I heard a voice beside me and turned to look at Anna.

'W-what...oh yeah...of course it is a-alright. I stuttered.

She gave me a pitiful look and kissed my head then waved me goodbye.

I took a deep breath and walked into the school.

I closed my eyes as I entered expecting waves of dirty looks and questioning eyes to hit me but I was surprised when I opened my eyes and nobody even looked my way.

Did I enter the wrong school?
Of course not. Wait. Has. Everyone. Forgotten. What. Happened??

It's not that easy is it?

I looked around for a bit shrugged and went to my locker. I dumped the useless stuffs I didn't need into it and picked the books I needed.

As I turned I saw something that had me questioning my eye sight. Maybe Nana was right after all and I needed glasses.

I saw James in crutches and bandages. Plasters where all over his body and one of his friends had to hold his arm to steady him.

He saw me and from what I could see in the remaining parts of his face that didn't have bandages plastered to it he looked scared. He had paled and he whispered something to his friends ear and pointed to me.

His friend panicked too and they both moved faster as if running away from me.

Running? From me? Wow.
Never in my life did I think for once that the great and mighty James would run away from me.

Wow again. I shrugged and turned to go to class when I was attacked by some people.

Essa and Emily. They both looked happy.

'Oh Anne we've missed you so much' Emily gushed.

'Yeah right, you missed me so much that you didn't even call'. I was still angry at them for not calling.

'We knew you were scared of coming back to school and we had to make sure nobody threw you dirty looks didn't you notice that no one threw you dirty looks?' Essa asked.

I was curious. How did they manage that.

'How did you manage to do that?. I voiced out.

'Well...' Essa and Emily exchanged looks then grabbed my arms and pulled me towards class.

'We'll tell you that later during lunch'. Emily said. Her eyes glinting.

'Why can't you just tell me now?' I asked furious.

'Because it's a long story and we don't want you to be late for class'. Essa rolled her eyes like I was an idiot for not knowing that.

I hit her arm and followed them anyways.

I just had few hours before I know how my friends managed to do get a revenge I've been planning for a week with my sister in days.

Though I doubted they did it all by themselves. Emily maybe but not Essa. She was just too gentle to do that kind of thing to James.

I smiled remembering the state I saw him in.

He ruined my reputation as the little miss innocent. He deserved what he got and deserves what's coming to him.


Hey guys💞. I made this chapter longer to thank you guys for getting this book to #57 on cult. Wow I'm so happy. Thanks a lot guys💖. Ily💟.

What do you think happened to James? Let me know what you think in the comment box below and also don't forget to vote that's what keeps me going.
I'm using this opportunity to thank EzeenO for her support. Thanks babe😘.
Goodbye lovelies💕💞

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