Chapter Four: ♥The d day♥

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Today is the day when Evan will announce it to the whole school that I've joined the venom cult. It has been a week since I agreed to join the venom cult.

I rose to my feet from my bed and stretched, I went to the toilet and splashed water on my face. The naughty scar is not there anymore, I stood looking at my reflection in the mirror, I sighed and went to have my bath.

Pancakes were served for breakfast today and my parents were already at seat. 'Good morning dad mom', 'morning Daniel' they replied. 'What took you so long?'dad asked.

'I was...uhm...I forgot to set the alarm'. 'Oh..OK then sit'. I sat and thought of Anne, how she dresses, her soft voice, her gorgeous eyes, her curly hair and her lip...... Those soft lips.

I've never touched it but I know deep down that they were soft. I wonder how it would feel if I should kiss it. 'Daniel?'.....oh how good it'd feel against mine.

'Daniel?'....and if I could hold her in my hands and... I felt my mom's hands on me 'w-what?' I asked. 'What's wrong Daniel?' I saw my mom's worried expression. 'N-nothing momma, I'm fine' I replied.

'No, you're not, how come you didn't hear when your dad was calling you?' 'I uhm I w-was thinking about the test I- I have this morning' I lied.

'Come on Daniel you know you shouldn't worry yourself with petty stuffs like a test, you're brilliant and intelligent, you sure will get good grades I'm sure of that' my dad assured.

'Uhm... Yeah of course I know, I -its just I can't help but b-but worry myself' I lied further.

My mom giggled and said 'that's my boy, its good you don't worry yourself with girls like other boys do now, I'm so proud of you'. My mom and dad smiled at me and I smiled back. If only they knew.

I entered the school compound and parked my bike at the usual place. I walked to where Evan and his group were to say hi.

'Hi guys' I said. Evan whose back was facing me before turned and said 'hey buddy, are you ready for this?' He smirked.

'uh.. Yes I am' I said. ' good, come on guys let's go introduce Daniel to the school as a member of the venom cult'.

he said and the group followed him. He made me walk beside him and told me to look ahead as if the others were below me.

I did as I was told and felt confident, Who wouldn't? Walking with the most powerful group in school is sure to give one that particular feeling of power.

We walked into the school and stopped at the locker room then Evan started.

'Everyone stand still'.

his masculine deep voice boomed. He continued.

'Thank you, today, I'm going to introduce the newest member of the most powerful cult which is venom cult to you. And his name is.....'.

he waited for a while enough for people to hold their breath look nervously, some people's gaze met mine but they shook their heads thinking I can't be the one.

Almost everyone in school thinks I'm a nerd and I'd probably the the biggest if not for Thomas Hutson who is probably the future Albert Einstein.

'Daniel'. Evan finished. A collective gasp went up and everyone in the locker room looked at me, even James who was the leader of the other cult stared at me with wide eyes even though he was there when Evan asked me to join and I accepted, he probably thought I wouldn't be able to do it and I'd back off but he was wrong.

I smirked at him and watched him narrow his eyes at me.

Evan cleared his throat and said 'as from today Daniel will be treated with respect and you will stop calling him that ridiculous nickname given to him by a ridiculous person'.

I saw James blink several times and I tried not to laugh. ' so with that...'.

Evan continued,'you are all dismissed'.

People hurried away almost pushing themselves from the locker room. As I looked up I spotted Anne with her friends looking at me with a curious expression, I smiled at her and she gave a nervous smile back and hurried away.

'well... this is gonna be interesting' I thought.

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