Chapter thirty: Asthmatic

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Anne's POV.

Someone died?

I looked closely at James and noticed that he was fidgeting, like he was nervous of saying what was next.

'Who?'. I managed to get out I kept praying in mind that it shouldn't be one person that I forgot the others involved too.


My heart stopped.

I was sure it stopped beating for like 5 seconds before it resumed and started beating like crazy.


In a blink James was beside me trying to calm me down.

'Anne take it easy, breath...fuck breath Anne you're scaring me'.

My breaths were coming out hard and forceful. I couldn't breath in at all and ended up gasping insanely for breaths.
Tears were gushing out of my eyes as I tried to digest the information.

Evan. Dead.

We weren't close but for the short time I knee him, he wasn't what I thought at all. He had a funny and playful side that I hadn't imagined that a person of his status would have. He could be a gentleman when he choose to be and he could also be the opposite. Within the short time I knew him I realised that he wasn't in a cult for power instead the need to protect his loved ones made him do it. He believed that joining a cult would make people not come close to the ones he loved. He realised he was wring but he was too late. He died saving the girl he loved.

What a tragedy.

That was the last thing I thought before I blacked out.


I woke up to some people murmuring, I squinted my eyes as I opened it to a bright overhead light that threatened to blind me.

'Anne?'. I heard someone say.

'Thank God you're awake.' The person who turned out to be Anna said relieved.

'Can you sit up?'.

I nodded and she helped me sit.

I noticed Mike smiling at me and I returned a weak smile at him while James stood at the far end of the room folding his arms across his chest with a grave expression on his face.

Then I remembered the news that me where I was. Evan.

I still couldn't believe he was dead. Tears were forming quickly in my eyes and I moved to wipe them away when I noticed the look Anna and Mike where giving me. They knew already. James told them.

Knowing I could comfortably cry in front of them when they already knew what happened I bursted into tears.

Anna started patting my back while I sob uncontrollably and Mike was trying to smile to comfort me and throw me sympathetic look at the same time, failing miserably at both.

'It's OK Anne don't stress yourself too much you're still not well enough'.

A slight noise of a door opening had me looking up to meet a particular eyes I can never forget even if I lose my memory of everything.


There he was in a faded fitted blue jeans and black sweatshirt with the hood up. He looked at me and his normal blank face softened. He took a step towards me when he spotted James at the far corner of the room, his jaw clenched and he looked unsure of what to do for a moment before he finally let go and walked towards me, he nodded to my sister intentionally ignoring mike and James and took my hands in both of his then he did what I didn't expect. He kissed my hands and moved to place a kiss on my forehead.

'I've missed you'. He said while he rested Hus forehead against mine.

'I missed you too. Very much'. I said leaning in to kiss his lips.
The audience in the room took that as an hint and moved out, closing the door behind them ad they left.

We kissed passionately for a while longer before I broke the kiss and leaned against him.

'He's dead'.

'Shush,..I know'.

'He didn't deser--'.

'I know Anne, do not stress yourself too much'. He said repeating my sister's words.

'Why Is everyone treating me like I'm a fragile thing? Someone just lost their life and you're telling me to not stress myself. I'm not a fudging fragile egg'.

'Do. Not. Shout. At. Me.'. Aiden practically growled.

'Do not shout at me for caring, I know you're sad about this whole thing but do take it out on anyone who's trying to care and make sure you don't go into another asthma attack'. He yelled.

I froze. 'What did you mean by asthma? I do not have asthma right? I do not. Right?'.

He looked down and I confirmed my suspicions.

I am asthmatic.

That was all my brain could process before I fell into another fits of gasping for breaths.


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