Chapter nineteen: ♥sisters again♥

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Anne's POV.

I kept smiling throughout my day at school.

One would think after such a disgracing thing happened I'd be in a sour mood but I wasn't.

Maybe because I've so much embarrassed myself these days that I was used to people giving me those looks.

He definitely likes me, if he didn't he couldn't have taken the trouble of telling me.

Or maybe he just thought it'd be polite to tell you.

'No, he most certainly likes me'. I argued.

Don't you ever learn?

Isn't that what happened with you and Daniel.

You thinking he still liked you.

Not everything is about you, you know?

I sighed. I was seeing much into it, he just did it to be polite.

Or maybe he just took pity on me and decided to tell me since no one would.

I finally confirmed that theory when he passed beside me on my way to my locker during closing time and didn't even spare me a look.

I definitely read more into it.

'How are you miss?'.

My thoughts were interrupted by Mr Richards.

Now that I think of it, Aiden and Mr Richards share the same last name.

And they look alike a little bit.

Could they be?

I brushed the thought off.

'It was fine, thanks for asking'. I replied as I got into the car.


I thanked Mr Richards for driving me home and entered the house to see Anna rushing down stairs.

'Oh my God!'.

'I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry'. She begged.


'I really forgot, I really did'.

'I didn't do it intentionally'.


'Did you get stained?'.


'Oh my God!'.

'I'm so sorry'.

'For what?'.

'I didn't warn you that your period begins today. I'm really so--'.

'It's fine, I understand that you're still angry with me'.

'Yes I am, but still...that doesn't change that fact that I'm your elder sister and should care for you'.

'But me not remembering when my next period should be isn't your fault. Its due to my forgetfulness and carelessness'.

'That's why I'm your older sister, to remind you stuffs like that'.

'You're too responsible for my liking'.

'And you're too irresponsible for mine'.

A little pause,then....

'Do you forgive me?'.

'Only on one condition'.

'What?' She rolled her eyes.

'You forgive me too'.




'Pretty pleeeeeeease, with cherries on top'.


We hugged.

I've really missed her those past days when we avoid each other.

It was like a part of me was missing.

'I promise not to do that again'.

'I'll hold you to that'.

She hugged me tighter and released me all of a sudden.

'You stink, get the hell away from me'.

She said it so seriously that I was about to tear up.

'Just joking, just go have your bath and let's talk'.



'He told you that?'. She asked with her mouth hanging open.

'Yes he did'.

'Wow, maybe he actually likes you'.

'No. I don't want to jump into conclusions. See where that led me the last time'.

'That's true, it's good to see you're learning from your mistakes'.

'Yeah'. I yawned.

'Oops, it's time to sleep sleepyhead'.

'Yeah goodnight'.

'Good night sweetie'.


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