Chapter twenty four: ♥In love with the ememy?♥

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This chapter is Anna's point of view. (Anna is Anne's sister)

Anna's POV.

I got bored of sitting at home doing nothing and decided to walk around.

It has been long since I took a walk in the neighborhood so I wore my favorite hood with a short and put on my sneakers.

'You going somewhere?' My mom asked as I entered the kitchen to pick up some waffles to munch on as I walk.

'Yeah, just wanna take a walk, will come back soon. By then my food should be ready'. I said winking at her.

She shook her head. 'You are still your lazy self aren't you?'.

'No, at least I'm taking a walk'. I said rolling my eyes.

She waved me off and I made my way to the front door.

'Bye mom'.

'Take care dear'. She said.

I opened the door and went outside. The cold air hit my face and I shivered.

Ughh I hate this weather.

I took a deep breath in and started to walk while munching on my waffle.

As I enjoyed my walk my thoughts went to Anne.

My sister.

We have a connection most siblings do not have. I guess it's because most siblings don't have parents who leave the older one to care for her siblings since age 6.

Anne was just four when I started taking care of her and she often called me mom.

It took a while for her to get that I was her sister not her mom.

I really do not blame my parents because I know they want the best for us but can't afford to stay with us due to the nature of their work but seriously?

Who am I kidding?

They obviously love their jobs than their children.

I tried not to think about them and thought back to Anne.

I can kill for her. I love her than anything in this world.

But I feel like I failed in my duty. By moving to stay in my school's hostel.

She wouldn't have lost her virginity to that scum if I had been there with her.

I sighed.

I was lost in my own thoughts that I did not hear a car beeping at me.

Footsteps at my back got me alert and in one fluid motion I threw s punch while turning to face that assaulter.

'Hey,hey easy there. I just wanted to talk'.

He caught my fist before I could land it on his nose.

I looked up into the warm brown eyes of someone I know.


'Wanna break my nose again?'. He asked cheerfully.

'Uhm--im sorry I didn't--'.

'No, its fine'.

'How've you been though?. It's been long since we saw last'.

'I'm fine. Yo--'. I was about to ask him how he was doing when I remembered his brother was the one who did that to Anne.

I grabbed his shirt and shook him.

'What the---'.

'You'. I spat at him with as much hatred I could muster.


'You sent your brother didn't you?'.

'My brother? What did he do? I don't understand what you're saying'.

'You sent him to rape my sister didn't you?'.

'Rape? Your sister? Why would I do that? Look, I know I was an asshole back in school but I'd never do that. What do you take me for?'.

'A mother fucking bastard'.

He took a deep breath in as if to calm himself down.

'OK, maybe I deserved that but are you sure he did it?'.

'Yes! Fuck yes! He took my sister's virginity and posted the video on the school's group'.

He narrowed his eyes.

'He did that?'.


'What the--- OK, come with me. I'm gonna deal with him'.

'Why should--'.

He didn't let me finish and dragged me by my arm to the car. Pushed me in the passengers seat and closed the door.

He sat in his car and took one look at me.

'Don't worry I'll make him pay for it'.


'Hey bro-- ouch. What was that for'.

James was cut off with a punch in his face given by his brother.

'What did I do-- wait, isn't that Anna. What are you doing here-- ouch. Mike stop. Its painful'.

'You mother fucking fool, how dare you rape a girl'.

'Please stop. Please'. James whined as his brother kept throwing punches at every part of him.

I had to stop him in fear that he'd kill him.

I managed to get mike of him and pull James off.

All hatred flew away at the sight of him.

'Oh God, I already got trashed for this and I'm getting trashed again'.

'You got trashed?'. Mike asked confused.

'Yes! When I told you that I got attacked by a mad man it was a lie. Her cult friends trashed me'.

'Serves you right'. Mike snorted.

'You will apologize to her'.

'No! There's no way I'm doing that'.

Mike gave a threatening look to his brother.

'Fine, fine I'll do that'.


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