Chapter eighteen: ♥Friends and Enemy♥

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Anne's POV.

I avoided Anna throughout my stay at home and couldn't wait till I could go to school even though I knew the same fate awaited me at school.

Throughout the weekend, Emily and Essa didn't contact me which means that they were still angry with me.

I sighed and made my way to my locker thankful that not many looks were thrown at me.

Maybe because not everyone had been present.

I took the stuffs I need and went to class early as usual.

I met some students there but I just ignored them and stuffed my head phone into my ears.

I was lost in Tatiana's song, helpless when I caught sight of Emily, we both had the class. I decided to talk to her.


No response.

I sighed.

'I know you're still angry about what happened but seriously, I didn't think you'd go ahead and rat me out to my sister knowing she'd be furious'.

'Oh, why did you think we did it? Of course we wanted her to be furious with you and probably tell your parents. I'm disappointed that she didn't though. Cause I know you wouldn't be in school if she did'.

'You know, not everyone will be like you'.

She decided not to grace me with an answer.

'I regret making friends with you. You guys are the worst friends ever. I'm so done with you, don't ever think of coming to my house ever again'.

And with that I went back to my seat.


'Thank you'.

I paid the woman for my food and went to take my seat at the usual spot.

What I didn't know is that I'll be the only one sitting there.

Soon I saw Emily and Essa enter but with a group.

Wait, is that Emily's group?

Well yes, they decided to walk with Emily's group just because we had a fight.

And I though I had friends.

Emily smirked at me while Essa avoided my gaze.

I shrugged and continued eating when I felt a tap at my back.

I turned to see Ivy.

'Hi'. She said shyly.


'Can I sit?'.

'Sure, have your sit'.

She sat beside me. 'Why are your friends not sitting with you?'.

I told her all that happened and she felt bad for me.

'I hate them now'.

'You shouldn't. I'm sure they're doing it for a reason'.

'No, they're not they just---hate me'. I shrugged.

'I feel they want to teach you a lesson by doing this'.

'A lesson? What type of lesson are they trying to teach me by making friends with our enemy..... enemy seeing as they're friends now'.

She laughed.

What was funny?

'Listen, if you have a friend and that friend supports you in everything you do...either good or bad then that person is your enemy not your friend'.

'I know.... It's just....friends forgive don't they?'.

'Yes they do, but not all the time. They forgave you when you did the err--first one..'. She gave me an apologetic look and I nodded at her to continue.

'They shouldn't forgive you easily for the second one'.

'So you support them huh?'. I asked playfully.

'Yes. Totally'.

'Then, why am I talking to you. Be off with you'. I waved dismissively.

She laughed. I liked her voice. It was soft and gentle unlike mine that was hoarse.

We talked about random stuffs until her brother sent someone to call her.

I finished my not so much food and moved to drop my plates and cutleries when someone tapped from behind. Thinking it was ivy I turned.


I was shocked.


I came face to face with Aiden.

Aiden? What could he want to tell me?

He looked embarrassed.

But why?



Could it be that he wants to ask me out?

Yes! Yes! Yes!

'Yes?'. I urged him on.

'Your skirt is stained'. He blurted out.

I was disappointed.

So that's what he wanted to tell me after all.

And my delusional mind was thinking something el---.

Wait, my skirt is stained.

I looked down. 'No, it's not'.

'No, I mean at the back'.

'But I didn't sit on-----'.

I trailed off. Praying to God for it not to be what I thought it was.

'It is uhm- your--- uh--period'. He said with struggles.

My eyes widened. I ran out of the room pushing Aiden so hard in the process that he nearly toppled over.

I got to the rest room and shut the door.

Of course it had to come on a day like this when I was wearing a white skirt.

I tried to remember when last I did it but I couldn't. Unlike a normal girl I don't keep records of my period and is always unprepared when it comes.

But Anna has always been the one to keep track of it for me. She probably didn't remind me cause she's still angry with me.

I sighed. I have to make her forgive me soon. If not for anything but for situations like this.

I have to.

I remembered the incident with Aiden and smiled. It must have taken a great effort to approach me.

But Emily and Essa must have seen it and keep quiet.

Annoying fellows. Tah.






















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