Rising tensions (Clone Force 99 pt2)

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It's not easy working with a team of people who have different priorities

The second the Bad Batch walked out of the meeting room, a sea of intense stares greeted them. All from clones who gathered around to hear the argument.

Ignoring them, Hunter and the rest of the squad made their way to their ship. They needed to unload more belongings if they were to call this base 'home' for the next couple of days.

After they finished unpacking into their designated barracks, they sat down inside and talked. Crosshair, surprisingly, initiated the conversation.

"So. What are your thoughts on these regs?"

"What are my thoughts on them?" Hunter repeated. He thought for a few seconds. "They're tired, they've been stuck here with no progress whatsoever for I dunno how long."

"Well, maybe they'll start making progress if they start pushing their generals for more information," Crosshair suggested.

"Um, I think you might be unaware of some aspects of their history," Tech slowly brought up.

"The only part of their history I care about, is their experience in fishy operations, like this one."

None of the batch disagreed with Crosshair, who kept talking to them. "I refuse to believe that they weren't as skeptical as we were when they first read the overview. I mean, the lack of decent details on that thing is kriffing sketchy."

"Swear," Wrecker warned.

"Shut up, we're not playing that game anymore."

"But we are. Remember? You lost last time and this is your demand for a rematch."

"Whatever." Crosshair took his attention off Wrecker and curtly turned to Hunter. "So, Sarge. Why did we come to a lost cause?"

Hunter leaned against the wall of their barracks building. He remained quiet for a moment, then spoke. "Maybe, because I'd like to see what's inside that datachip the Separatists are housing."

The batch was shocked. None of them expected their leader to say something so borderline treasonous.

"Or maybe it's something else." Hunter shrugged. "Anyways, it doesn't matter. We're here. And we're gonna do our jobs. One way or the other."

~ O O O ~

Word of the first meeting argument spread across base during the night. And needless to say, the clones didn't take it too well.

The next morning, Sinker caught sight of the squad while taking a break with some of his comrades. He didn't miss the chance to confront them.

"Hey. Do you always question your superiors like that?"

The batch stopped in their tracks. They turned to Sinker and his company.

"Gee, I dunno. Does it look like we do?" Hunter retorted.

"Yes," Dogma dryly replied.

He had pulled another all-nighter, rummaging through the Trandoshan's belongings and is barely awake right now. But he wasn't about to miss squaring up to the clones who disrespected his leaders.

"Well, we have our reasons," Hunter defended. "Just like you have yours for always accepting and backing up your generals."

"Well, excuse us for defending the Jedi who constantly goes out of his way to keep us alive," Boost said sarcastically.

"Ditto on that." Vito crossed his arms.

"But you guys have to admit, it's not unreasonable for us to question them." Tech stepped towards the clones. "Think about it. They're the ones who make all the Council meetings and they're the ones who relay information from those meetings to the rest of you. Now, we're not trying to point fingers here but there is a possibility they aren't telling you everything."

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