❤ Chap 11 ❤

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Amyree POV

I'm in the car with my mom but haven't said a word all day because she's mad at me for how I treated Ariel. But she made me mad. She tried to come in MY home , eat MY food , talk to MY mom. She obviously wants to live here. I told her stupid ass to come with us but she wanted to go be a hoe with her mom. Then , she had the audacity to come in my room trying to apologize saying how much she misses me and Aysia but I just looked at her like ' Bitch , shut the fuck up '. I know I probably sound like some stuck up spoiled brat but I'm really not. I just don't like her. I went through hell and hot water for her and on adoption day she said that Aysia and I were stupid to think that Nicki could really be our mom. I got raped trying to save her. So I don't give two fucks about her apology. She stopped the car taking me out of my thoughts . When she began to turn around I just knew she was about to say something.

"Why were you so rude to her" she asked me. I didn't want to answer her so I continued to scroll on my Instagram. She snatched my phone from my hand attempting to stay calm with me. I now had no excuse to ignore her.

"Amyree Lenae Levine . I know you hear me talking to you."

I screamed unnecessarily. Wrong move, Amuree. "Why'd you take my phone?"

"I can't take it. Like yo seriously." Her Trinidad accent started to come more. She's passed off now.

I sifhed. "Oh my God, Mom. I can't believe you're making big drama."

"I'm making big drama ? I'm making big drama ? So you think what you're doing is okay" she yelled. I didn't respond. Instead, I turned my head to stare out the window.

"Seriously , I'm sick" she calmly started before I interrupted her to ask for my phone back.

"No , no . Because I'm sick and tired of it" she yelled hitting the arm rest, "I'm sick and tired of it."

"Of what" I asked with a slight pitch in my voice.

"Of the disrespect! Stop disrespecting me , stop disrespecting me ! Stop being rude to other people while I'm outside doing what I have to do , embarrassing me in front of other people , stop" she yelled staring at me intensely. I just cried. I do not like being yelled at, period!

"Seriously , what is wrong with you ? Why were you treating her like that" she yelled.

"Because, Momma! I risked my life for that girl over and over! I got raped trying to save her! She disrespected me Momma!"

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