Chapter 24~Finale~

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This is it guys. I must say I didn't expect to finish this book. I wouldn't have done it if none of you read it. So thank you! I'm so glad to have finished this honestly. I'll say more at the end of the chapter.

When Virgil looked up, the first thing he saw was Thomas face had washed over with a look of releif." Virgilll!!!" A few of the sides said in unison. The anxious side said nothing and looked down at his own feet. What was he supposed to do?

" you remember me? What's the point. I thought you didn't like me. I mean...why else get anxiety pills behind my back? Why else have a small meeting to talk badly about me?" Virgil snarled, he took note on how Roman flinched, and Logan gave a guilty look. Virge didn't know wether or not he should feel happy they felt sad, or guilty.

"Like sure, I should have told you how much pain I was in rather then hiding it. But this wouldn't have happened if you told me about the pill idea in the first place! The fact is, you all hurt me. You...forgot about me." Virgils voice sounded so hurt and as if he was on the verge of tears. He felt broken, but not panicked.

"Look kiddo...we know what we did was wrong. But Janus didn't take part in it. So not everyone did hurt you." Patton was crying silently, he didn't even try to hide his own tears. Why would he? He was to emotional and bothered by his sadness to worry about it.

"Oh big whoop! Janus the side I've been hating for such a long time! The only one who didn't take part in hurting me with pills. I don't care that he helped now, he's hurt me way before this. So there for I considor him at fault" Virgil rolls his eyes and leans against the wall with a huff.

"Virgil, listen, what we did was horrible. Every single one of us has hurt you in the past and present. As your host, I'm so sorry. I'm getting rid of the pills, I refuse to hurt you any longer. Im sorry Virgil." Thomas took a seat on the couch once more and curled up. He fiddled with his sleeves and said nothing else.

"Hot topic...I mean Virgil. Sorry I need to cool it with the nicknames. I was upset at you, for doing your job. I should have listened to your side of the story before assuming things. I know you care about Thomas achieving his hopes, his dreams, his romances. But you have to do your job. So I'm...sorry." Romans voice was genuine and full of guilt. He refused to make eye contact with anyone. Virgil knew he was sorry.

"Kiddo...I should have pushed harder to make sure you told me the truth of you being okay. But I shouldn't have agreed to Thomas having the pills. You and the other sides mean so much to me. You do belong to my Fam-ILY afterall. I feel so bad that we all hurt you...I'm so sorry.." Patton whiped some of his tears away with the sleeve of his cat hoodie. His glasses have been removed some time ago so they wouldn't fog.

"Virgil I to must appolagize. I hate to admit it...But I was wrong. I said the pills wouldn't affect you, I brought facts that I believed to the table. But you did get hurt. I regret not checking in with you about the pills. And I regret leaving you behind to be forgotten." Logan tried to make eye contact with Virgil, but the anxious side refused to meet eyes. Logan sighed and looked away, he wouldn't force the other to meet his gaze.

"That doesn't excuse what you have done. Sorry isn't going to cut it..." Virgil finaly allowed himself to look up. Tears ran down the side of his face, and his eye shadow smudged along with it.

"Well...anxiety. I am 'not' sorry. Even though I didn't partake in...convincing Thomas to take anxiety pills. I 'have' always been kind to you. Because of the past I 'didn't refuse' to be nice and push my own grudges aside. If you do decide to stay here, I want things to be different. So I am sincerely sorry, Virgil." Janus was holding onto his staff and looking to the emo. His apology wasn't a lie, and Virgil knew that. He covered his mouth to stifle his sobbing.

Hearing Deceit of all sides appolagize just broke him. He was left speechless, and didn't know what to say. He understood Janus thought he would leave the light sides. He doesn't think he will.

" don't have to accept our sorries. We know you won't for awhile. But we are all going to try harder to make you feel better. Afterall what kind of hero hurts his own friends?" Roman gave a small smile but it didn't last long. The sad expression he had before returned again.

"We want to work on our issues with name calling, and arguing. But we are willing to do anything Virgil, to make you happy." Patton gave Virgil a watery smile. The other sides didn't mention the loud sobbing that Virgil gave up on hiding. The anxious side climbs down the stairs as Patton opens his arms up. Virgil stumbles his way over and collapses in the fsther figure's arms as he cries." Shhh, it's okay kiddo...I got you." Patton rubs circles on Virgils back as he lets the side cry onto his shoulder.

The others in the room, including Thomas, slowly made their way over and joined the hug. Virgil sat in the middle of it all and just enjoyed the warmth everyone gave. It took twenty minutes of them sitting in silence, and cuddling together for someone to speak up. That someone is Virgil." I dont forgive you. I won't...not for awhile anyways. What all of you did was horrible. But if you can keep your promises of trying harder. In time I will forgive you."

"That's okay...we don't expect you to. It's not fair to expect forgiveness." Logan says, the logical side began to back away from the hug. Logan surprised himself by the fact he allowed himself to be in the group hug for so long.

"Why don't we watch a movie? All of us are sad right now. So we can be sad together?" Thomas suggests as he helps Virgil get to the couch. And for once, Virgil sat normally rather then ontop of the back of the couch.

"I'll put coraline on." Janus hisses slightly with his words as he moved to turn on the tv. Roman snapped his fingers and a weighted blanket appeared ontop of Virgil. Along with the fact everyone was now in pajamas. Except for Thomas who left to quickly change.

Virgil allowed Patton to cling onto him for cuddles, while Logan sat close by and held one of Virgils free hands. Yeah, he wouldn't forgive them. But he believed they would try harder, and that's enough to make him stay. After All, why leave his family? He had to admit he was thankful they didn't ask where he was. Virgil doesn't think it's a good idea for everyone to know about the forgotten. It could lead to unwanted disasters.

That's it. That's the story! There won't be a sequel so this is what you get. As much as I didn't like this story it was fun and a good experience. I'll be taking a break from writing, mostly since school is starting. But the next book I plan to write will be an au someone else made, and the ships will be lamp, demus, and remile.  I got permission to write the next fanfic, as long as I give credit.  The credit will be in the books summery. I will also start to work on my oneshot book so if you want to request a oneshot go ahead! Thank you all for reading Toxic, it means so much to me that you do. Have a good day/night!

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