Chapter 16~And so it begins~

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So from this point forward is were things will finnaly progress!!! We're getting closer to the end of the book but we still have a few more chapters to go. Once I finnish this book my plan is to write another story. The next story will be Sanders sides LAMP with Remile, and Demus. It's an AU someone else made and I have permission from them to write my own version of it as long as I credit. Anyone seen the ready as I'll ever be Sanders sides animatic? Oh and a fair warning, this chapter will be a little much. With panick attacks, and pain.

Ever since that day the sides stopped checking on him. Virgil gotten used to being alone. Sometimes he would try to talk to the others but they were all busy when he tried. Eventually the anxious side gave up, he felt really hopeless by this point as his thoughts went wild.

His thoughts consisted of.'They hate me.' Or 'They could care less.' Along with thoughts in between about his mistakes. He felt more broken everyday because he was alone with pain, and his thoughts.

It's been about a month since the sides ignored him, though Virgil doesn't know the truth of how the sides were forgetting about him. Everytime Patton thought of him he would remember Virgil saying he was fine and leave it at that.

Everytime Roman thought of the other, he went to thinking of how Thomas is doing great. And Logan would simply think Virgil was fine and wasn't needed at the momment anyways. It was coming to a point were no one thought of him. Even Janus, Remus, and Thomas didn't think of him.

Because of this the cause of the current events. Virgil sat in his room moping about how he was feeling lonely. He hardly feels the pain from the pills anymore, because the pain of being alone hurt more. The only sounds Virgil can hear is his music that was turned down.

He would cry but he felt that he had cried enough, there were no more tears to be she'd at this point. He watches quietly as his beloved pet spider spins a new web. I mean what else was there to do.

Virgil perks up when he hears foot steps hoping it was one of the others coming to his room. He hears two sides laughing, Roman and Patton. The footsteps completely walk past his room making Virgil feel nothing but disapointment.

He can't really blame the others, I mean he is the one keeping things from them in the first place. Mabye if he goes to talk with them? Though, Virgil feels as if it's to late. With a sigh Virgil stands up to mabye try and talk with them anyways.

As he was heading for his door he trips over, but not over nothing, no, a shadow. Virgil looks down at the strange shadow in confusion, nothing in his room made that shape. It looked human, but it wasn't his shadow, because he could see his shadow on the door. Virgil looks back up and his eyes go wide, he suppressed a gasp as he watched his room grow darker and more ominous then before.

The room was covered in more of those strange shadows, some were small, while some were bigger. Virgil snapped his fingers to turn on a light but nothing turned on, leaving the room to stay dark. The shadows were climbing on the walls, on the floor, and on the ceiling, all trying to get closer to him. Virgil felt his breathing pick up as he tries to back away from the shadows. He couldn't tell but it looked as if the room was shrinking.

His bed looked closer then it was before, so did the walls, and so did the dresser. Virgil growled in surprise when something grabbed his leg, he quickly looked down to see a shadow gripping onto him tightly. Virgil hissed and tried to kick it off but both his legs got pinned to the ground by more shadows.

Virgil snarls as he was slammed against the wall behind him, and his arms were pinned by more shadows. He almost screams when the shadows start pulling his limbs and stretching them away from his body. When Virgil looks up again he noticed the room was in fact shrinking. His bed was now gone along with a few other things that was deffinently there before, When he starts feeling sharp pains in his chest he does scream.

The shadows were stabbing at him but didn't break his skin. Tears blurred Virgils vission as all the shadows seem to become one. There was a figure made of shadows infront of him. The figure wrapped a hand around Virgils throat tightly, making it harder for him to breath. It didn't help that he was panicking already. The figure spoke some words."Iþ's Ťimè Ýoų ğø țö thė FØŘĞOÞTƏN!"  It growls at Virgil, and it's eyes glow red. It's voice sounded like it was made up of ten people.

Virgil screams when the figure drops him, his whole body was writhing in pain despite the shadows disappearing. The walls were getting really close now, to close. Virgil was touching two of them, they were getting close enough to squish him, but before the walls got a chance to squish him the floor dropped. The pain was gone and Virgil was now screaming because he was falling from who knows how high.

He was hoping so despretly that this was a nightmare and he would wake up soon, the darkness that was around him was slowly fading to white as he fell further. Virgil groans when he finaly hits something, it felt like a floor, but Virgil couldn't tell. He felt like he broke his arms and legs but he didn't. He could move them just fine. But he couldn't get up, not yet anyways.

He was trying to, it was so hard. All he could see was white, no color, and even then, he was squinting. Black dots swarmed his vision, he was trying so hard not to pass out. The pain wasn't helping either with that.

His attempt was futile as he mummbles a few words."" Was what he managed to say before his vision went black and he passed out.

Hehe it's about to go down-
I'm telling you now, this will be angst with a happy ending. Anyways next chapter I will be introducing  some characters. Wonder who they could be :)
Oh also I'll be starting to update my oneshot book now, if you have any requests to ahead and request there! Also I'm still taking questions UwU

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