Chapter 13~Are you okay?~

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Guess who's back!!! My mental health is alot better now that schools over. Not worrying about the media as much helped so much. I know the world is in a bad place right now but there are still good things. I'm doing much better. Also before this chapter starts I'm here to clear something up. Everyone in the comments have been hating on Logan, calling him a liar and stuff like that. He genuinely doesn't know that it would hurt Virgil. He believed it would be fine, also Virgil is hiding it from them.

Sometimes during the night, Patton would knock on Virgil's door. The first time it happened, Roman told Virgil don't answer it. Virgil was hesitent, but he listened and didn't answer the door for the night. Patton even tried checking on Logan, but the logical side was ignoring him. To say Patton was worried for his kiddos was an understatement.

Roman did fall asleep at some point during the night, though Virgil remained awake. He felt like he needed to protect princey and be lost in his own thoughts. The room was silent, no noises came from the room itself. The only noises was Romans light snoring and the occasional shifting to get comfortable. Virgil would brush his fingers through Romans hair for a few minutes sometimes before stopping.

Yeah, Virgil was still upset about the anxiety pills. Infact he suspects Roman knows about them. But despite that, he doesn't know what just happened during today. He remembers  yelling and feeling a bunch of fear.

Eventually it was time for Thomas to wake up, meaning the sides would be getting up. Virgil knew Patton would be heading downstairs by now to begin breakfast, then Logan in ten minutes, then in another five would be himself, then Roman in another 10. Though Virgil isn't going down untill he makes sure Roman is okay, and besides. He doesn't want to face the others right now because his thoughts are all over the place.

When 10 minutes pass, he hears foot steps, he can tell by how the steps sound, that it's Logan. He sighs when the logical man passes his room. Roman shifted a bit in Virgils grasp, indicating he will wake up very soon. After 5 minutes pass, Virgil hears more foot steps. They stop when they reach his door. The sound of gentle knocking fills the room along with a voice.

"Kiddos, I just wanted to say breakfast is ready! Um...if you don't want to come down thats fine. Leftovers for you will be in the fridge." Patton says, he sounded as if he had been crying. Virgil listens as he walks away, but his attention was brought to Roman who mummbles a few things.

"What was that princy?" Virgil asks as Roman slowly opens his eyes and looks up at Virgil.

"I said....I don't want to go downstairs, not while Patton is there." Roman yawns after he finnishes that sentence. Virgil furrows his eyebrows and tilts his head, though he doesn't say anything. He carefully helps Roman sit up.

"What happened...if it's okay to ask?" Virgil questions as he gets out of bed and stretches his arms above his head.

"You will find out soon enough....Thomas was made a video about it, it just needs to be edited and posted. So you will find out." Roman frowns, he wasn't in a great mood, it was easy to tell.

"Will you be okay princy?" Virgil asks as he grabs his phone to check  his notifacations.

"Of course I am negative Nancy!" Roman pretends to be offended by that." Why wouldn't I be?"

"Because I can litteraly hear your negative thoughts. So give me the truth, will you be okay?" Virgil asks, his own thoughts were still on the anxiety pills.

Roman was silent for awhile then. He didn't answer the question and changed the topic." What about you, I found you crying when I came for comfort!"

"I....I was just thinking alot of negative thoughts. Just ended a panick attack is all. Nothing at all happened." Virgil lied, he almost gave a sigh of relief when Roman didn't see through the lie.

"Oh....." Roman mummbles. The two stay silent for awhile longer, Virgil looked through Tumblr while Roman just thought. More footsteps were heard, then doors closing. Logan went to his room, and so did Patton. The silence continued for thirty more minutes before Roman spoke up.

"I...I'm not okay right now. I hope time...I will be." Roman says before getting out of bed. The room around them shifts to look like Thomas's living room, indicating were their host was. Roman said nothing more and left the room. He gave a small wave to Virgil before he left.

Aside from that. How's everyone's day!

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