Chapter 7~Movie night!!~

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Have some fluff! It's been a bit angsty so let's have a fluffy movie night with the sides. Also I've been looking for some good Sanders sides fanfics, any suggestions. Just no Romantic moxiety please.

Virgil ended up joining the others for movie night. When Roman came and knocked on his door he told them he would be with them soon. He took some time to put on his skeleton onsie, and get his weighted blanket just incase.

By the time he leaves his room and head to were the others are, he sees a fort set up in the room. Logan, who was wearing his unicorn onise(If you asked he would say the others made him wear it. But we all know that's not the truth.) He was making the fort more stable. Patton was in the kitchens making snacks, and Roman was picking the movies.

Virgil can't help but snicker when Roman, who was wearing his beast onsie, accidently knocks down part of the fort." Roman!!!" Logan snaps.

"Sorry pocket protector." Roman laughs and works quickly to fix what he deystroyed. Patton walks in the room with a tray that has cookies, a bowl of popcorn, crofters, and some candy. He sets it on a small table and smiles when he sees Virgil. He of course was wearing his cat onsie.

"Hi kiddo!! I'm glad you came to join us!" Patton says to Virgil. The anxious side just gives a slight wave. It was at that momment Logan and Roman finnished and fixed the fort. Virgil crawls inside and picks a corner spot. It didn't take long for Roman to put on a movie, Mulan, and join Virgil. He sat next to the anxious side and grins as the other two joins them. Patton lays across Roman and Logan happily, smiling up st Virgil.

"Mulan? Why that one princey?" Virgil asks with a grin. He didn't mind the movie choice.

"So we three have our Disney and Logan won't complain because it has a good story, according to him. Though all of my precious babies are amazing stories!" Roman says with a huff, giving Logan a glare.

"So a story about a sleeping princess who gets awoken with a kiss isn't an overused story, got it." Logan says, glaring back at Roman,

"Boys don't fight! We're here to watch a movie and enjoy ourselves!" Patton smiles at them, they both shut up and get comfterable. Logan grabs his jar of crofters and Roman grabs the popcorn. Patton just has a little bit of everything as he hands Virgil his cookies.

"Thanks for the snacks popstar." Virgil smiles and gives into his cookie. Patton was about to say something but the music in the movie started.

For the rest of the night, the sides watched a few movies and ate snacks. Eventually after big hero six ended, their fifth movie of the night. Everyone was super tired, a couple of them were already asleep. Patton and Virgil. Roman yawns and snaps his finger, the tv turns off and he lays down. He curls up and cuddles against the others, while Logan takes his and Pattons glasses off before getting comfterable. Roman fell asleep fast. Logan sighs and lays down. He can't help but smile now that everyone was asleep, he won't admit it. But he enjoyed himself.

I'm not very good at making long chapters. I will try to make them longer!

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