Chapter 18~Solving the mystery~

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As I'm writing this I'm watching Sanders sides again. Such a good series. But it made me realize how I could improve the way I write Virgil so I'm going to try to make him closer to canon. I was gonna hold off on writing this chapter for a few days but I'm bored right now. Also you better believe I'm singing all the songs out loud in my room.

Emile did end up checking on Virgil in an hour but quickly left. Virgil wanted to be alone some more so Emile respected that. Another hour passed and Virgil had put his phone away, being done with his music. This whole situation confused him greatly. So he decided to think of how this all started and how it could have been prevented.

He remembers the first time he felt pain, finding out about the pills, and the others talking behind his back. Yeah sure, it could have been avoided if he admitted to feeling the pain. He remembers when Patton came to check on him the first day the pain started. Mabye he should have told the others, but he felt betrayed. They went behind his back and got the pills. Virgil wonders if he should have taken action. Mabye it could have been avoided.

Yeah he was trying to avoid making out the sides to be the bad guys. But it was impossible. He knew they messed up, he understood they hurt him behind his back. Mabye he should speak with Emile and Remy.

Virgil sighs as he climbs out of his bed so he can find the two. He heads for the door but suddenly he pauses before he can open it. Wouldn't he just get lost? Remy did say it goes on forever. Virgil shrugs before he gets the chance to let his thoughts take over. He pushes his door open and rushes out, only to run into someone."Ah! What the hell..." Virgil fell flat on the floor and looks up. Remy was stumbling and attempting to regain his balance.

"Sorry...I didn't think you would be there...." Virgil shrugs as he pulls himself off of the floor. Remy smirks.

"Girl it's fine. Anyways did you need something?" Sleep asks. He managed to get his balance back and leaned on the wall.

"Actually,..I'm ready to talk." Virgil states pretty confidently. Remy nods and grabs his wrist.

"Alright, we'll go to Picani's room then. That's were he should be." Virgil just allows himself to be lead to what he can only guess is either an office or a bedroom. When they enter the room, without knocking Emile squeaked in surprise.

The room had posters everywhere, all from different cartoons. Most of his decor was a light pink or a light blue. He had bookshelves that were covered in comics or books. What made Virgil question if it was an office or a bedroom though was the desk and couch. But there was also a bed covered in plushies.

"Sorry for surprising you hun, but this bitch is ready to talk." Remy grins and lets the anxious side go. Remy ended up flopping onto the couch while Virgil stood awkwardly. Emile sighs with releif that it was just those two.

"Of course! And Remy, you know better. Please knock next time." Remy mummbles a quiet sorry." So Virgil, let's discuss what happened before you woke up here." Emile says as he takes a seat at the desk which was covered in photos, and random toys.

"Well.....I was in my room..." Virgil went off and explained the situation. All the details of how his room shrunk, and this weird figure spoke to him. How the shadows were hurting him. Emile gave a sympathetic look to him.

"The shadow figure...isn't technically real. It kind of represents the forgotten. The forgotten in a way is alive. It's always running, putting forgettable memories in places, and keeping us alive. It must have used the shadows to speak with you. But I still don't understand...your important to Thomas..right?" Emile asks as he writes down notes.

"Um...well the sides kind of...well...started ignoring me. But it was kind may fault for shutting myself away from them...I had a good reason to." Virgil huffs. Emile nods whike Remy gives a curious look.

"And what would that be babe?" Remy asks. Virgil looks at his shoes instead of making eye contact.

"Well they started it. They convinced Thomas to take anxiety pills without my permission. The pills kinda hurt me, a lot. To be fair I didn't tell them I was hurting. But they were talking behind my back and hurting me. To put it short anyways. So at some point I shut myself in my room. They kept checking on me...and oneday they stopped." Virgil explain sadly. His voice sounded hurt and a bit broken but his face showed anger.

The room was silent for a few minutes, the only noise was the scratching of pencil on paper. Then Emile finaly spoke." They...They forgot about you...oh my stars...That's not okay!" He gasps.

"I thought that was obvious?" Virgil raised an eyebrow. Yeah he was upset but he was getting used to it. Which wasn't a good thing.

"Virgil, Thomas forgot about you. Meaning the chances of you getting out of here is small." Remy frowns and sits up properly.

"Yeah...They did. But what's so bad about it? I was alone anyways, how is me being here any diffrent." Virgil snarled slightly and crossed his arms.

" could go insane down here. Yeah you can do you job still, but Thomas will need you to be in the mind scape. We have to find a way to get you out." Emile began thinking and jotting down ideas. Virgil frowns and ignores the sad glances Remy was giving him.

"So, Em, your telling me we need to somehow get Thomas to remember. Something that's almost impossible because we are sitting in the forgotten." Remy states as he summoned some coffee.

"Well, we managed to do it once." Emile says, not looking up from his notebook.

"Yeah but that went badly." Remy says with a glare. Emile shrugs, he wasn't really listening.

"It happened before?" Virgil asks, receiving no answer.

"Virgil why don't you head back to your room hm?" Emile asks. Virgil just sighs and leaves the room. Emile sighs and sets his notebook down.

"Remy, what are we going to do...?"

~Toxic~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ