Chapter 17~Welcome to the forgotten~

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So I officaly posted this on Ao3 so if you would rather read it there go ahead. My username is the same there. I'll still post it on here though. So the AU I mentioned in the last chapter I will be writing but I'm thinking of writing two books at once after I finish Toxic. I wanna write a vampire Logan au as well because hggnnn I'm a simp for Logan. Even I don't understand why I'm writing  Virgil centric fic.

" think he will wake up?" A voice says, it sounds awfully familure but Virgil can't quite tell who it belongs to. It certainly isn't one of the light sides, or a dark for that matter.

"Oh I'm sure of it! More sure of it then Toph knowing how blind she is!" Said another voice. Virgil knew he heard these voices before. But from where?

"Why do you think Virgil fell down here? I mean he's kind of important to the others. Unlike us babes."  Virgil slowly opened his eyes only to shut them tightly. The place was so bright it hurt his eyes, everything was just all white and grey. He tries again but this time squinting to hopefully protect his eyes.

"Ooohh oh look! Remy he is awake!!" The voice says. Virgil slowly sits up with groan, and the figure who just spoke rushed over to help him sit up. Despite squinting Virgil could in fact make out who this was. The man looked like a version of Thomas so Virgil knew that he was simalur to himself. He wore a pink tie and white undershirt with a tan cardigan over top. And his glasses stuck out, which was a big indicator to who this is.

"...Dr...Picani?" Virgil asks tiredly. Emile nods and hands Virgil what seems to be a glass of water. Virgil gratefully takes it, only realizing how dry his throat was. How long has he been asleep for, hours, days?

"Yep! Do you how do Virgil?" Emile asks. Virgil takes a sip of his water and sits in silence for a momment, just appreciating the cold drink.

"I...don't know. What happened...where am I? How long have I been knocked out!?" The anxious side asks. His mind ran with questions, because who wouldn't have questions after waking up in a bright room. He managed to stop squinting and took a look around the area. It was sort of a room, there was a bed, a dresser, and items that were in his room. Was this his room? It did look simular. The objects were in the same place, except the walls and floors were white and grey. Even the door was white, nothing special about it. Only his belongings had color but most of them were black anyways, with occasional purple.

"Welcome to the forgotten. Or in other words where Em and I live. It's sort of like a void, this whole place goes on forever no matter which direction you go. Sometimes there are other like us, were we are used for a video or a short. Mabye even a picture, and then we get sent back here." Remy pauses to take a sip on what Virgil can only assume is coffee." See, Thomas only uses me for shorts. And only uses Emile for cartoon therapy. Characters like Elliot, and Kai are around here somewhere." The man says.

"Well..that doesn't answer my question. Also why aren't you in the mind scape with us." Virgil asks as he is now facing Remy. It didn't make sense to him. But he guesses this explains a bit why he hardly sees these two unless it's for a video.

"Babes, I'm getting there. Technically we are just parts of Thomas' imagination, so we don't count as sides like you do. Because we aren't his main focus. This place is called the forgotten because it is where the forgotten go. This includes characters like us, memories, or things Thomas forces himself to forget. We are only remembered when needed. But we don't understand..." Remy frowns and lowers his glasses to look in Virgil's eyes." You shouldn't be here. You are a side, aren't you important or some shit like that?"

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