Chapter 15~Time~

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So first things first, I am trying so hard to write more and improve my writing. This month no promises because I am participating in artfight. I'm taking some of the things you guys told me to improve my writing skills so thank you. Also I might be putting Toxic on Ao3 because I would like other people who don't have wattpad to be able to read it to. Personally I prefer Ao3 but I'll still be on wattpad to give you fanfics. Read the notes at the end for something cool.

Ever since that incident happened, Virgil has been dodging the other three, well four since Janus sometimes shows up. He felt so troubled after everything he found out. A few weeks had gone by, and Virgil has hardly left his room.

When he does leave the security of his room, it's typically during times when everyone is busy. Everytime Patton, Logan, or sometimes even Roman, knock on his door. He just ignores it, he either tells them he is fine, which is a lie, or tells them he is busy.

Today though, today was different. Virgil was laying down on his bed, as he let the pain go through his body. By now, he hates to admit it, but he had gotten used to the pain. So now here he was waiting it out. Around this time, one of the others should be knocking at his door.

Virgil was counting the seconds in his mind for the exact time. Three, two, one. Though what was odd, was no one knocked, no one spoke. Virgil raised an eyebrow and shot up, though quickly wincing in pain and regret for that. No one checked on him today?

Virgil pushes himself off of his bed, something was wrong. The anxious side hurries to his door and pushes it open. To see, the hallway was empty, no one was in sight. Virgil listened closely and he could hear laughing coming from downstairs. So he slowly makes his way to the stairwell and peaks down.

Virgil teared up a bit at the sight. On the couch were four other sides. Logan was resting against an arm of the couch, and his legs rested on Janus' lap. In Logans hand was a book, he was reading quietly to himself while the other four talked and laughed. In Janus' hand was a controller, he had a concentrated look on his face. Patton was sitting on the floor smiling with his laughter, he too was holding a controller. Roman was sitting on the couch, further from Janus then the other two. He didn't have anything in his hands but he was cheering Patton on and laughing when Janus made a mistake in the game. Virgil glanced to the tv and saw Mario kart. He didn't want to ruin their fun.

Virgil makes his way back to his room without a sound. Once inside he slowly closes and locks the door. They didn't care anymore, was Virgil's thoughts. He felt hurt, not from the pain, but from their actions. They looked so happy without him.

Virgil shook his head and flopped onto his mattress, mabye he was over thinking it. They were probably distracted and will check on him soon.

No one came and checked on him that day.

I know it's short but still. Anyways here's the end notes. I will be doing a Q&A! I will be answering questions about the story and myself! I won't answer any questions that might spoil the story or anything that's private info about myself. I won't be making a seperate chapter for this, I will just be responding to the comments . Also sorry this chapter is short I didn't know what to write for it except for that.

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