One more chance

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,,Sit there,'' Giuliano pointed at his bed so I walked there and sat down. He left and came back after a minute with a piece of a clean fabric and little glass with crystal clear liquid. He sat next to me and grabbed my arm. ,,It doesn't look that bad,'' he said while still looking at it but I smiled at him anyway. He was just being so nice. Ever since I met him for the first time when he was all beat up. He was the opposite of Lorenzo. Well they always used to be different. As I started thinking about it more I realised Lorenzo was always kind of full of himself. While Giuliano wanted to give everyone as much as he could. Whether it was a smile, a hug or a flower.

,,What happened in my mother's bedroom??'' Giuliano asked as he sat next to me and started rubbing my wound with the fabric soaked in pure alcohol. ,,Ouch...'' I grinned as it started to burn. ,,You're a strong girl. I bet you didn't even feel that,'' Giuliano smiled at me. Why does everyone say I am a strong person?? Only if they knew...

,,So?? Are you going to tell me or should I ask Lorenzo??'' Giuliano persisted. ,,Well I wonder what it was about so maybe you really should go ask him,'' I mumbled as I was looking at the spot Giuliano was taking care of. ,,Sorella I think I'd like to hear it from you first. I might not be able to control myself if I had to talk with Lorenzo right now.''

,,Where do I start then?? I was lying in my bedroom trying to get some rest when he knocked on my door. I opened it and saw him there. He asked about your mother as he couldn't find her, so I wanted to help him. We went into her bedroom but she wasn't in there. A letter was there instead. So Lorenzo took it, read it and started yelling at me. Because she had gone to Rome. And I was the one who didn't hear her like I was the only one in this whole house. He got mad and shoved me against her desk,'' I explained as quickly as I possibly could. ,,She had gone to Rome??'' Giuliano repeated. ,,I didn't read the letter...'' ,,Did he leave it there??'' he asked me. ,,I really don't know,'' I said and shrugged my shoulders. He stood up and without a word left his bedroom.

When he came back a moment later he was holding the letter. He sat next to me again and started reading it out loud: ,,Dearest Lorenzo. I had gone to Rome where I will remain to exercise diplomacy on many fronts. I will inform you about everything as soon as I get there and find out what I can possibly do to help our family restore our power. Lorenzo, as a head of this must stand alone. But we will stand behind you, always. May God bless and keep you,'' he finished but kept looking at the piece of paper. ,,It has always been all about him...'' he mumbled and I felt sorry for him. ,,It just not might be the right time for you Giuliano,'' I tried to make him feel better in that moment. ,,And the time might never come,'' he said. ,,Don't be like that. Don't say things like that and never understimate yourself like that again Giuliano. You are as smart and rational as your brother. Don't think about yourself any less. He was just born first, that's all. You are both responsible and irresponsible in various things,'' I smiled at him. But you have something Lorenzo doesn't. A kind heart. We all know Lorrenzo has always been a bit more all about himself while you would give me and pretty anone your whole heart if you were asked to. Don't forget about this. I know it might sound silly but it is the key for a happy and heathly relationship. Something Lorenzo most likely won't achieve,'' I got carried away a little bit when I realised I was probably saying way too much. Too much of all that has been on my mind lately.

,,I really don't know what is his point in acting toward you like this. He knows our mother wants you two to get married and when she wants something...she simply gets it. There is no way around it. So I really don't understand why he can't just accept it and start acting as he is supposed to...'' Giuliano got a little bit angry. ,,I don't know Giuliano. Lorenzo is...complicated I guess. He even came to me to apologize. He makes an apology in one moment and the next thing he does is yelling at me or something worse...'' it wasn't easy to talk about it. ,,I feel like he's blaming me for everything since I came back. He might even start blaming me for not being able to spend all the time with that noble woman who gave him the helmet...'' I had to say it. I needed Giuliano to know that I know about the woman. And I also wanted to know if there is anything Giuliano might tell me about her. ,,So you know...'' he started. ,,How could I not know. I am not blind.'' ,,I told him to stop seeing her after you appeared. And he just always says she is the only one who can help him relieve the stress from all of his responsibilities. Which could be understandable as he actualy is the head of this family now as he replaced our father and he needs to fight against the Pazzi and save our bank...I understand there is a lot on his mind but I think he should try and start talking about it to you. You see he always used to talk about you in a nice way. He never really stopped talking about you. You've been gone for ten years but he would always find a topic to start talking about you, wondering if there was any chance we might ever meet you again. And now as he has you right in front of him...he acts like this?? I don't understand that...'' Giuliano explained to him. ,,I understand that there is a lot of pressure on him and that everyone expects him to do excelent. But being rude and aggressive to someone who is not trying to harm him in any way is really not nice. And I'd never think he could act this aggressive. He had changed a lot. I don't think I want to marry someone like that...'' I admitted.

,,Give him one more chance.''

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