Run away

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When I finished packing my aunt's lugage I was told to go look for Signor Costa. She didn't even tell me where he was supposed to be so I spent about ten minutes looking for him when I finally found him in the stable. 

He was grooming his horse. I didn't want to disturb him so I just quietly stood there watching him. I fairly enjoyed watching him grooming the horse so I spent there more than a few minutes when he turned around and noticed me. ,,Oh...hello Sorella. I didn't know you were here,'' he smiled at me, put the brush aside and slowly walked to me. ,,Well maybe I didn't want you to know,'' I giggled. ,,Oh is that true??'' he pretended being surprised. He grabbed me around my waist and pulled me closer to him. ,,Why would you do that??'' he whispered into my ear. ,,Because I enjoyed what I was looking at,'' I whispered back and put my hands around his neck. We looked into each other's eyes and smiled. Then he leaned even closer to me and kissed me. ,,I can't wait to run away with you,'' I sighed after. ,,You won't have to wait much longer.'' ,,I'm a bit scared...'' ,,Scared of what??'' he asked concerned. ,,I can't really explain it. It's just this scary feeling I get from thinking about doing such a thing. What if something doesn't go as well as we had planned. Or what if my uncle will find us?? He will kill us both,'' I explained with a voice full of fear. ,,Sorella listen to me carefully. I would never let anyone hurt you. I have enough resources to get us fairly far away. Also, you know why he took you here. He wanted your heritage. That means if you magically will only bring him the good. Because then he doen't have to be scared you'll take what belongs to you from him.'' he tried to reassure me. I smiled and kissed his cheek. 

,,Do you have any free time for me??'' he asked then. ,,My aunt actually sent me here to help you. You know they're leaving. And I was told you were the one supposed to keep an eye on me,'' I said. ,,Oh you can be sure I'll keep an eye on you. Not only my eye,'' he giggled and pulled me closer to him again. 

It was already dark outside when we finished grooming all the horses. We walked out from the stable together and looked above us. All the beautiful stars. We would watch them every night we were able to be together. Just like with Francesco. I used to stargaze with Francesco and everyone else every night we were all staying at Medici's house. Lorenzo would teach us all about all the constellations Cosimo had taught him before. ,,Sorella??'' I heard all of sudden. ,,Yeah?? Sorry did you say anything?? I got lost in my thoughts and memories...'' I sighed. ,,You still miss them??'' Dante asked sadly. ,,Sometimes,'' I smiled sadly. ,,Maybe we'll be able to visit them all one day,'' he said with a hope in his voice. ,,No. I don't think they would recognise me. Even if they did we don't have anything in common anymore. We've been living our lifes separately. Or at least I had been separated from them. But I believe they're all still really good friends. I wouldn't expect them to welcome me in their lifes and homes,'' I almost cried and looked at the sky again. Dante pulled me into embrace and put his chin on my head. 

We were lying in Dante's bed. Looking onto the ceiling and talking about every plan we wanted to become true after we run away. We spent there talking, giggling and enjoying each other's presence for about two hours when he rolled over to face me. I did the same. ,,You're so beatiful Sorella. You're something divine. There's something spectacular about you. I can't get you out of my head...not that I want to but sometimes when I need to focus on something I just can't because of you,'' he whispered while slowly touching my face with his finger. I could feel my cheeks burning. ,,Oh come on...don't exaggerate that much,'' I giggled. ,,I'm really not exaggerating. I wish you could see yourself by my eyes. So innocent. Real pure soul. I'm almost scared to touch you. I don't want to break or hurt you. I love you with everything I have,'' he kept whispering. ,,You're the only one I want to be touching me. You're the only one I can truly trust. I only feel safe when you're around Dante. I love you,'' I whispered back and pulled him into the kiss. He rolled over me and his hand started wondering down from my neck to my chest but then he suddenly stopped. ,,What's wrong??'' I asked scared. ,,I don't...want to take your purity away. Not until we're married.'' ,,My purity only belongs to you and always will. We don't have to be married to do something we both want. You know I don't really believe in God anymore.'' ,,Are you sure??'' ,,More than I've ever been in my life.''

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