The plan

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,,Well...let me tell you..." Sandro started but it looked like he didn't really know how to continue. ,,Sandro you really do not have to answer...I can see it is not the most comfortable question for you,'' I tried to make it easier for both of us. ,,What was even the reason for you to think about it??'' he asked suddenly. ,, know. It is this girly thing we all do. No matter the age. We are just curious. We wonder about a lot of things,'' I chuckled and hid my face behind my hands. ,,Nono...don't do that,'' Sandro smiled and pulled my hands away from my face. He kind of shocked me so I just starred at him. ,,W-What do you mean??'' I stuttered. ,,Do not hide your flawless smile like that. I would give anything to be given a chance to capture it,'' he whispered kind of lost in dreams. ,,Oh come on now Sandro. What are you talking about??'' I didn't understand why he exagerated like that. ,,Sorella I know you will not just accept that, but trust me. If i can do something good as an is seeing the beauty. I do not know how to explain properly. But when I look at it I see it. And when I look at you it is the only thing I can see. Not only the beauty of your appearrance but of course of your soul as well,'' he explained and we both remained silent. ,,You are just being too nice again,'' I smiled. ,,I am just being honest with you Sorella. And knowing your substitute family most likely never was honest with you...I understand why you always understimate and put yourself down,'' Sandro explained calmly and I felt tears starting to form in my eyes. He was absolutely right. I just could not do anything about it. 

,,Oh nonono...I did not want to make you cry,'' he said sadly and embraced me tightly. I could not hold the sobbing. ,, is going to be alright. Everything is going to be alright-'' ,,It is not Sandro-'' I whispered as I slightly pulled away just to look him in his eyes. ,,Why should not it be??'' He asked concerned. ,,Because...Sandro...I can not stay here. Things are going to get alright for me only if i leave-'' ,,Stop with this nonsense Sorella. What do you mean you can not stay here. Of course you can. Everyone is happy you are finally around-'' ,,That is not true and you know it Sandro-'' ,,Please just stop-'' ,,I can not. I can not stay here any longer. Francesco just gave up on me. Just like that at the joust. Just like I meant NOTHING to him. Lorenzo obviously hates that I am here as he is not able to be with the noble woman. I had been thinking Sandro. I had been thinking a lot. And I had came to a realization that it would really be better if I had never came here,'' I tried to close the topic. ,,Sorella I know that Lorenzo is probably not as charming and as nice acting toward you as you would wish and expect him to...but-'' ,,Yes he is not but that is totally alright. I was foolish to expect that from him...from anyone-'' ,,He will change-'' ,,He will not. He is too proud to really change Sandro. I might be naive. But I am not THAT naive-'' ,,Sorella please-'' ,,Listen Sandro. I appreciate how nice you have been treating me and I trully thank you for that. I have one last thing I need you to do for me.'' ,,You want me to help you run away...''

,,No Sandro. I NEED you to help me run away.'' He just kept looking at me. Dissapointed. Or maybe just sad. ,,How am I supposed to help you do such a thing and then keep silent about it??'' ,,You would need to make a little harmless lie. Do you think you could do that for me??'' ,,Sorella they are my family. They took me in when I needed it the most,'' he tried to make me understand it was not an easy decision. But he did not really have to. I understood. ,,Of course. Then...could you at least let me run away before Lorenzo a Giuliano came home?? Please??'' ,,Are you one hundred percent sure you would not be happy if you stayed??'' Sandro asked one more thing. ,,Yes,'' I whispered but deep down I was not entirely sure about it. I was not sure about anything. But I felt that I really needed to at least try. 

,,Oh God...alright. I will help you,'' he whispered with sad tone. ,,You will?? I will be forever in debt-'' ,,Just because you are not happy. Okay?? Now...what is your plan??'' ,,Oh-I-uh...I do not really have a plan yet. I mean...could you get me a horse. Before the sun starts rising. I should get on the road just in time to leave Firenze still being foggy.'' ,,I understand...'' Sandro sighed and rested his head against his hands. 

I waited in my room for Sandro's signal. My heart was beating really fast. It felt like it just wanted to jump out of my chest. ,,Calm down Sorella. This is what you wanted...'' I whispered to calm myself down. Then I finally heard it. Something sligtly knocking on my window. I walked to it and opened it. I looked down to see the height I needed to jump down. I grabbed my pack with a few of my belongings and threw it down on the street. It collapsed on the ground with a loud noise. ,,Damn it!!'' I whispered angrily. I sat on the window frame and looked below me one more time. ,,Alright...alright...three...two-'' my leg slipped and I started falling down. 

The angels were standing above me as I half landed on a pile of hay. ,,Ugh!!'' I yelped anyway because my other half landed on the solid stone ground. ,,Oh my goodness are you alright??'' I heard a voice too familiar. ,,Sandro??'' I asked surprised but happy at the same time. I couldn't see him until he stepped out from the darkness of the street. ,,I did not know you were going to be here,'' I smiled at him and he helped me get on my feet. ,,I could not let you leave without saying goodbye,'' he smiled back and embraced me. ,,Please just be safe. And swear to me that if things do not go as planned over will come back here to us,'' he looked at me honestly. ,,I swear,'' not so honestly.

We stayed in the embrace for quite a long time when I started feeling nervous and pulled away a little bit. Sandro felt it and let me fully go. ,,I just hoped you might change your mind if I held you long enough,'' he giggled. ,,You would have to hold me a little longer,'' I giggled back. ,,All right,'' he sighed ,,All right,'' I sighed. 

,,Thank you for everything Sandro,'' I hugged him for the last time. ,,I just wish we had more time,'' he murmured. ,,We will meet again one day. I will come here when things get a little more relaxed,'' I smiled and pulled away, grabbed my pack from the ground, secured it on my horse and Sandro helped me to get into the saddle. I stoop down for one last hug and Sandro kissed me on my forehead. ,,Safe ride.'' ,,I will miss you.'' ,,I will miss you too.''

I didn't want to bring too much attention so I just let the horse walk slowly through the city to the gate. I already passed the gate but still couldn't bring myself to make the horse run. Then all of sudden two horses with riders appeared just a few metres ahead of me. I quickly put a hood over my head and stared down at the ground. ,,So once again. What will you do when we come back home??'' I heard one of them saying. ,,Apologize to Sorella. Even beg her for forgivness,'' I instantly knew who they were. 

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