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,,Everything is going to get better, Sorella,'' Sandro whispered and looked at me like he wanted me to say that I think so too. But I couldn't because I didn't. I just looked at him sadly and didn't say anything.

,,Shall we go now??'' he asked after a minute of silence. ,,Sure,'' I smiled again this time happier and wanted to stand up but Sandro quickly jumped up and offered me his hand and when I accepted it he pushed away the chair. He really was a gentleman. It felt so natural from him even though he sometimes seemed kinda shy when people were around. But when it was only the two of us, he just felt so natural. ,,I am so lucky,'' I whispered. He rised his eyebrows to tell me to continue. I must had blushed. ,,You know...that you are here. I mean Bianca is here as well but I barely get to see her as she spends all of her time with Guglielmo. Then there is Giuliano but he also seems really busy. Probably chasing beautiful women. And if I was only supposed to spend my time with Lorenzo...I would go mad,'' I laughed and Sandro had the same reaction.

I sort of wanted to tell Sandro about my plan because I felt he would understand and I even believed he might be willing to help me. But I did my best to hold the urgency back. At least in that moment.

The sun was almost blinding us when we stepped into the street. ,,I can not see anything.'' ,,You will get used to it,'' Sandro told me with a smile and grabbed my hand to lead me. He was wearing a nice emerald tunic embroided with bronze fibers. His longer,dark brown wavy, almost curly hair looked so soft as it wiggled in the rhytm of his walk. I could smell fresh pigment when he suddenly stopped and turned to me.

,,Where should I take you first??'' he asked but I didn't really think he actually wanted an answer from me because he immediately turned around again and started walking still holding my hand. ,,Sandro wait...'' I said smiling, catching my breath. He was almost running. Maybe he really didn't mind showing me around. Maybe he was even excited to show me around. ,,What is wrong??'' he asked concerned. ,,I just...wanted to...ah, forget it. It is not appropriate,'' I felt my cheeks burning. ,,You were going to say something inappropriate??'' Sandro giggled. ,,I said forget it,'' I grinned. ,,You can not just start with it and then tell me to forget about it. It only makes people more curious,'' Sandro didn't want to give up. ,,You are so insistent,'' I laughed as I saw how curious he was. ,,So??'' ,,Oh my goodness Sandro!!'' I sighed because I really regreted I even spoke. ,,All right!! All right!! I give up. I owe you for sure. But please don't make me say it here in the middle of the street. We will talk about it in your atelier later. Can we please agree on this term??'' I faked the formality and made it pretty obvious. He laughed, smiled and nodded to agree.

We spent more than three hours walking around the town. Sandro seemed to know everything about every step and every building on our way. I could not believe my eyes seeing all the beauty he showed me. I could not say a word when I was standing in front of the majestic duomo Santa Maria del Fiore again. I almost forgot how breathtaking the sight was.

,,I want you to meet someone,'' Sandro said after letting me process everything I had just seen. ,,Who is it??'' I asked immediately. ,,You need to wait to find out,'' I guess he kind of enjoyed not telling me because I didn't tell him my thing earlier that day. ,,I guess I deserve that,'' I smiled. ,,You could say that,'' Sandro smiled back at me.

When we arrived to a beautiful house Sandro knocked on the huge door and looked at me. He was really excited but we couldn't hear anything from the inside for a few moments. But then we heard loud noise. Something crashing against the floor and smashing into thousand pieces. ,,Merda!! Puttana!!'' was all we could hear. Sandro and I looked at each other a little bit startled but then we both bursted out laughing. It took few more seconds before the door finally opened and we had to stop laughing. I felt my face burning. Sandro's cheeks were red as well. Both of us cleared our throats and waited for the person to step outside.

I had no idea who I should expect to come out from the residence, but I surely wouldn't expect someone who actually did come from there. A young handsome man with auburn, almost fawn hair wearing a nice, navy blue tunic and a copperish cloak stepped out into the street. ,,Sandro!!'' the man shouted when he saw us. ,,Leonardo,'' Sandro welcomed him warmly as they embraced and tapped each other's back. They seemed comfortable until the man noticed I was just standing there watching them. He quickly pulled away from Sandro and cleared his throat as well. He gently bowed to me and slowly reached for my hand. ,,And who is this beautil lady??'' he asked looking at me. I had to giggle. ,,How polite from you, my name is Sorella,'' I managed to say with a knot in my throat. I really didn't enjoy formal situations like this. ,,Oh Signora Sorella...??'' he asked with a curious tone. ,,Messina...Signorina...,'' I said simply but had to correct him. ,,Signorina Sorella Messina...it is my absolute pleasure to meet you. Leonardo...Leonardo da' Vinci,'' he almost whispered and kissed my hand. ,,The pleasure is on my side Messere da' Vinci,'' I mumbled and looked at Sandro calling for help as I felt quite uncomfortable with all the attention being aimed to me. ,,Ah...Sorella is the Medici's family long lost friend,'' Sandro started explaining to save me ,,she...uh...is going to live in Firenze from now on,'' he tried to continue but Leonardo had to stop him. ,,I can not miss the way you keep addressing this magnificent, noble lady,'' he even seemed concerned about it. Everyone was trying to be so polite and formal toward me...well maybe except for Lorenzo.

Sandro wanted to say something for his defense but after he wasn't able to say a thing I decided to help him out this time. ,,It is because I am no noble lady. And I don't appreciate someone trying to make a noble lady from me,'' I told him and now it was Leonardo who didn't know what to say. ,,Uh...alright...I guess. That is unusual, for sure. Even intriguing...perhaps. But at least now I understand,'' he said being in quite a dilemma whether to call me Signorina or not. I laughed to make the situation easier for all of us. ,,And I wanted to ask, was there any other reason why you brought this fascinating lady to my door??'' Leonardo asked Sandro not to make the conversation stand. ,,Was there?? I just probably wanted yout two to meet each other,'' Sandro explained like it wasn't even his idea to come here. ,,Then I am glad you did so. I would love to get to know more about you Signo-Sorella??'' ,,Exactly, just Sorella,'' I smiled at him so he knew he got my absolute permission.

,,I am generally sorry to say so...but I am afraid I will have to leave you for this moment. I was working on something that can not wait any longer,'' Leonardo said apologetically. ,,Nono...of course. We will not keep you any longer my friend,'' Sandro smilled at Leonardo and then they embraced each other again. ,,I was really glad to meet you Sorella Messina,'' Leonardo then turned to me and kissed my hand again. ,,As I said before. The pleasure is on my side Messere da' Vinci,'' although I didn't like people adressing me with such titles, I never forgot to adress others. At least until they let me know it was not neccessary.

We spent some more time walking through the city and then finally decided to head to the Medici's house. I was quite exhausted from all the walking and also from all the sun burning my pale skin. I now had way more freckles all over my body than I had the day before. We both collapsed into the chairs in the dinning room and a servant immediately came to us and asked what did we want her to bring. In a normal situation I would just stand up and go get it myself. But this time my legs were not working correctly so I was even glad the servant was there. 

After we finished a proper dinner we kept sitting there next to each other. ,,Are you going to tell me now??" Sandro asked without even looking at me. He was staring into the space. He seemed to be in another world. ,,Do I have to??" I had to try but I knew he won't let me go until I tell him. ,,It was just an inappropriate thing to ask..." I mumbled. ,,And it makes me really curious what was the inappropriate question you were going to ask me," he now smiled looking at me. His smile was one of the most perfect smiles I had ever seen in my life.

I caught myself biting my lower lip. ,,I was just thinking. You being an artist, indeed handsome,  intelligent, young man...is there a girl, you like??" my face went red as always.

,,Well...let me tell you..."

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