Is the beginning of another one

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,,Are you ready??'' he asked like the fact weather I was ready or not really mattered. 

,,I need you to do one more thing for me,'' I cried. He looked at me almost rolling his eyes. ,,Lorenzo please...I need you to do this for me...'' ,,And what is it?? What is it you need me to do?? Should I let you leave with Dante??'' he asked and I didn't hesitate for a second. ,, the market...I saw there someone. When I was at the Pazzi's house-'' ,,Now you are going to talk about the Pazzi family-'' ,,Listen to me...there was a servant. We got quite close,'' we kept interrupting each other. But then he finally let me speak. ,,Her name is Orsa. She is such a kind person. She helped me so much and I-I swore to her I would find her sister who was a servant at the house as well but disappeared a while ago. But later she disappeared too and they did not want to tell me what had happened to her. And I was scared. I was scared something bad had happened to her. But they just did not tell me anything. And I saw her at the market. She is there waiting for someone to buy her as a slave...'' I managed to say almost at one breath. Lorenzo just stared at me. Probably trying to comprehend what I just said. He raised a finger to make me quiet for a second, almost connected his eyebrows and I just waited for his words. 

,,So, if I understood you well, you want me to buy that woman and possibly find her sister??'' he finally said and I just nodded my head. ,,I do not think we have time for that-'' ,,Lorenzo please...please do this for me and I will never be a trouble to you,'' I pleaded. ,,Is she that dear to you?? I mean...not being a trouble...that will not be an easy one for you,'' he grinned but I did not feel like laughing at that moment. ,,So??'' I insisted. ,,Yes. Yes I will try to do so,'' he mumbled and I jumped to him and embraced him tightly. ,,Thank you...I will be in your debt,'' I whispered. He must had been in a shock at first because he did barely touch me. But as my embrace persisted he put his arms around me as well and pressed my face to his chest even stronger. ,,Is it not what friends do for each other??'' he muttered. I pushed away a little bit to look him in his eyes. I was not perfectly sure but I felt like I could finally see honesty deep inside. 

He pulled away and cleared his throat. ,, you want me to go there alone?? I understand if you do not feel like walking any more. I mean...after what you went through, I can not believe you are strong enough to keep going,'' he said and put a lock of hair behind my ear. It felt weird. I did not want to seem naive but it felt like the embrace just melted both of us. Like it kind of made as connect to each other. To make us understand each other better. But as I said, I did not want to seem naive so I decided to build a wall around these feelings. A strong and a heigh one. 

,,Of course I will go with you. I know how she looks so that will make it way easier,'' I said and he nodded. Lorenzo called some of his men and gave them instructions I could not hear and then we headed to the market. Lorenzo was suporting me the whole time. The fact that I was possibly near to saving Orsa made me feel stronger. We finally reached the market and I started looking around to see the place where I saw Orsa. ,,There!!'' I pointed and we went that way. The cages were the same, just the people were different. And the man selling them as well of course. ,,So?? Which one is the woman we are looking for??'' Lorenzo asked as his eyes traveled from one to another of these people in cages. ,,None of them. She is not in any of these cages. Oh no...'' I sighed panicking. ,,Let me speak to the man,'' Lorenzo said and walked to the unknown man. I sat down on a wooden box and waited. 

They spoke for a moment and then Lorenzo came back to me. ,,What did he say??'' I asked immediately. ,,He said that he does not know the name, but...he sold a young woman a few hours ago,'' Lorenzo started. ,,Did he say how she looked?? Or who was the man??'' I kept asking. ,, will not be happy to hear this...'' Lorenzo sighed and that only made me panic even more. I could not say a word I just stared at him waiting to hear the truth. ,,The man took her to a...bordello-'' ,,No!!'' I yelled and burried my face into my palms. I was crying out loud and Lorenzo was just standing there not saying a word. ,,Shame on you!!'' ,,What a boor!!'' ,,Are you all right Signorina??" ,,Is this man bothering you Signora??'' people started stopping by and asking. I lifted my head, eyes full of tears. ,,It is not how it looks...'' Lorenzo said awkwardly and put his hand on my shoulder. ,,Signora...we can help you-'' ,,I said it is not how it looks!!'' Lorenzo started getting angry. ,,What a hot-tempered young man. No wonder this Signora is crying in the middle of the market.'' ,,This is not how you treat a wife.'' I could not believe how many people reacted to the scene. So many people were willing to help me. But yet no one protested about selling people as slaves. I could not understand why. 

I looked at Lorenzo. I could see he was asking for help. I could see he was not feeling comfortable in such a situation. The people were ready to throw stones at him. I grabbed his hand and looked at the people. ,,This man did nothing wrong...thank you for your concern...'' I mumbled and hid my face again. The people did not say anything else and slowly started walking away. I just wanted to let go of Lorenzo's hand but he stepped closer to me and let me bury my face into his chest again. His scent was too much for me to handle. I pulled away and looked up to him. ,,We need to find her...'' ,,I know...'' he whispered. 

When we reached the brothel the man talked about, I held my breath. ,,You do not need to go inside,'' Lorenzo said looking into my eyes. ,,I need to find her,'' I just said and started walking to the door. When we stepped in I started regretting doing so. When I saw all these women who had to do this kind of job...I just started feeling sick. Some of them looked like they actually chose this path in their lifes. But I knew most of them were forced to step on this path. 

We were looking around and some of the women started walking to us talking one over other. I tried not to listen to any of them and just look for Orsa. But all I could see were unfamiliar, half naked women behind kind of see through curtains and drunk men touching their bodies. My heart stopped when I finally saw her. She was sitting on a bench with a man on each side blocking her way to get out. She was trying not to let them touch her but she could not do much. I made Lorenzo look the way and he understood immediately. We walked to them and Lorenzo just stretched his arm to Orsa so she could grab his hand. He did not say anything and neither of the men liked it. ,,What do you think you are doing boy??'' One of them asked. He was disgusting. Long, grey, wet hair pressed to his head and his face were hiding many scars. His glassy eyes angrily looking at Lorenzo. His mouth full of black rotting teeths were just making me more sick. ,, I am taking this lady away-'' ,,What lady?? Do you mean this whore we paid for??'' the second man said. I grabbed a gobled full of wine and bursted it all over the man. He yelled angrily and wanted to stand up but he could not balance his heavy, drunk body and just fell on the bench again. ,,Let me handle this,'' Lorenzo whispered and tossed a coin on the table in front of them. ,,Get another one...'' he said and almost pulled Orsa out but one of the man grabbed her skirt and pulled it down. 

Orsa turned red and I could not hold myself any longer. I grabbed Lorenzo's sword and pointed it at the man's throat. He raised his hands up in the act of surrender and let Orsa go. ,,Calm down Sorella. Give it back to me,'' Lorenzo murmured and I put the sword back where I took it from and grabbed Orsa's hand instead. We caught some unwanted attention and three musculant men were coming to us. They did not look happy to have us at their place. ,,What is this supposed to mean??'' one of them asked. ,,We came for this lady and we are taking her with us,'' Lorenzo said not interested in the fact they will probably not be willing to let us do so. ,,How long do you want to keep her?? We can exchange these ladies and you will get a special price,'' another one of them said looking at me disgustingly. ,,What did you just say to me??'' I could tell Lorenzo was ready to fight them. 

,,I said-'' ,,I heard you asshole!!" Lorenzo interrupted him and in that moment the main door opened. I felt so relieved when I saw Lorenzo's men standing there with their swords in their hands. The brothel's man were confused and we almost managed to walk around them without a problem. Orsa was slowed down by all the things happening so I had to push her in front of me to get her to the entrance which gave them a chance to grab my clothes. Lorenzo was already at the door when he noticed something was wrong.

He turned back only to see me being caught by one the man. ,,We can make a deal,'' the man said. ,,There is no deal happening. You let her go or-'' ,,Or??'' another man interrupted Lorenzo. Lorenzo raised his eyebrows and looked at his man. ,,Take care of them,'' I could hear before they all run to us and started fighting the brothel's men. The women inside started screaming and running around like crazy. Lorenzo joined his men as well and, as I hoped, he started fighting the man that captured me. 

The man had to let go of me to be able to fight, so he threw me on the ground making me wail. The brothel's men did not really have a chance to win the fight so in under a minute it was all over. Lorenzo kneeled down to me. ,,Sorella are you all right?? Did he hurt you too much??'' he asked concerned. ,,I think I am all right,'' I smiled at him and he helped me to get on my feet again. 

We walked to Orsa who was crying and I embraced her tightly. ,,We need to find her sister,'' I looked at Lorenzo. 

,,I know. We will,'' he whispered and caressed my cheek. 

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