Wrong people

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,,We need to find her sister Lorenzo,'' I whispered. ,,I know. We will find her,'' he tried to comfort both of us.

,,Orsa...do you have any idea where your sister might be??'' I asked her after a few minutes as we were sitting at a wooden bench and Lorenzo's men were looking for anyone suspicious. We felt safe. Lorenzo was standing just a few metres from us to give us kind of an alone time. ,,Sorella...I am so relieved to see you are alive...I could not-" ,,It is okay Orsa...no need to talk or think about it anymore. The important thing is we are alright and we are looking for your sister. They...they did not hurt you at the brothel, did they??" I asked slowly. ,,No...thank to you of course...they did not have the time to do so," she tried to smile but I could see she was not comfortable. ,,So...Orsa do you have any idea where to look for your sister??" ,,Yes I-I saw her at the brothel but they did not let us  speak to each other. I heard something...they were taking her to some kind of bordello I believe...but they called it somehow different...I can not recall the name of it..." Orsa tried her best.

I looked at Lorenzo helpless. He understood it as a sign of calling and started walking to us. ,,Have you managed to think of a place to look for??" he asked as he stepped to me and placed his hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him and he actually smiled a little bit to make me feel less anxious in such a situtation. I grabbed his hand and smiled back. ,,Orsa said they took her to an another bordello...but how many of these places can be in this huge city??" I asked not even expecting an answer. ,,Well if it belongs to the same person who owns the one we saved Orsa from, then it might not be as hard to find it," he said and I could see hope in Orsa's eyes.

Lorenzo told us to wait as he sent his men to get some more information so we could get to the place and to Orsa's sister. It didn't take them long, probably knew the right people. ,,I do not think you should come with us," Lorenzo started as his men told him what place we were supposed to head to. ,,There is no way I am sitting here-" ,,Sorella it is really not a place for any of you to be at," he said concerned. ,,What do you mean?? You are scaring me Lorenzo," I whispered. ,,Just listen to me for once," he almost pleaded. ,,But I need to help you recognize my sister," Orsa was right.

,,Okay...but you are not going, do you understand??" Lorenzo looked at me strictly. ,,I am not a child Lorenzo-" ,,Please. Sorella please swear you will stay behind," he looked at me concerned again. ,,I do not under-" ,,It is for your own good," he interupted me and looked at his men again.

When we all arrived to a big bordello Lorenzo grabbed my hand and led me aside. ,,Now...please swear to me you will not try to come inside with us," he said and waited for my answer. ,,If it will not be necessary-" ,,Just do not," he said and kissed my forehead.

Lorenzo left me with two of his men outside and walked into the bordello with Orsa and three other men. We were waiting for anything to happen but nothing really was happening. ,,Should not we try to see what is going on inside??" I couldn't be silent anymore. ,,Signore 'de Medici ordered us to stay here," one of them said while starring at the door of the building. ,,But I can see you are concerned about what is going on inside," I tried.

A few more minutes had passed when something finally started happening. Voices.
We could hear a lot of angry voices yelling over one another. I quickly looked the way and saw Lorenzo's men arguing with the brothel's men. I ran to them. I coud not see Orsa anywhere. ,,Where is she??" I yelled at Lorenzo from quite a distance. He looked at me angry and tried to get as close as possible to still let him be a part of the conflict and just a second after that I could see a man holding some young woman by her hair, dragging her outside. She was screaming like crazy. I did not recognize Orsa in her. ,,Lorenzo where is she??" I asked again. He turned to me and I suddenly knew something was really wrong.

,,We had crossed the wrong people," he said with a deadly serious face.

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