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,,I am not sure I want to,'' I whispered with a knock in my throat and looked at Giuliano honestly. ,,Do not say things like this Sorella. It can really hurt the people around you. Talk to me if you need someone to talk to. I will always be here for you,'' he looked deep into my eyes. He did look a bit hurt by my words. ,,Only if there is not a girl you are just running after, right??'' I tried to smile a little and it made him laugh. ,,There can be any girl...but she will never be more beatiful than you are. I swear I am never going to put another one before you,'' he tried to sound serious but I could see he was holding the laugh. ,,Oh yeah, of course,'' I smiled and this time it came just natural. I really missed these quiet and peacefull moments. ,,Do you not trust me??'' he played being hurt. ,,Oh how could I?? Maybe if you asked for my hand I would,'' I continued in playing. ,, you mean this?? Are you being serious right now??'' Giuliano asked quite confused and he really surprised me by his reaction making me confused as well. ,,W-what?? I-I just said it without thinking,'' I smiled awkwardly and could feel my cheeks burning. ,,Is that so?? I have to kind of bewithched us all. Even Sandro...who never really speaks about his feelings, said he likes you,'' Giuliano smirked. ,,Everyone except Lorenzo, it seems,'' I mumbled. ,,He is acting like a fool. If I had a chance to marry a woman like you, I would not hesitate for a second. While he-'' ,,There you are,'' Lorenzo interrupted Giuliano as he walked into the room and looked at us. 

,,Yes. We are here. But the question is, where had you been??'' Giuliano asked his brother. ,,I had to leave urgently,'' Lorenzo mumbled. ,,You had to leave in the middle of what was happening??'' I couldn't belive my ears. ,,Yes...'' he didn't even look at me. ,,You were at the woman's place. Is it not true??'' I chuckled. ,,Ah...uh...No??'' he murmured as he filled his mouth with food so he didn't have to talk. ,,Are you answering my question with another question??'' I was slowly loosing it. He grabbed a bottle of wine and took a couple of giant sips. ,,Alright, you got me, you are right. I went to her place,'' he started and I again couldn't believe my ears. ,,I do not understand this. Do you not think you were supposed to be there with me, in that moment??'' I asked Lorenzo. ,,Well you said you were alone, so I thought-'' ,,Are you kidding me?? Do not even try to say a bullshit like this!!'' I stood up and started yelling at him. He looked shocked. ,,Alright...I think this is not my place to be at this moment,'' Giuliano said, stood up and slowly left the room while still watching both of us. I fell down on the chair again and hid my face behind my hands. ,,I do not understand our situation,'' I mumbled. 

,,I screwed up...'' I heard Lorenzo whispering and then felt someone's hand on my shoulder. ,,It is not like I just decided to go to see her. She dragged me away, said it was urgent. I wanted to stay but...I was scared Sorella. I know I should had stayed there with you. But I sudenly felt like I was not enough for you. Like I was not enough to comfort you. And when I realised I was the one you were expecting to be there for was already late, Giuliano was holding you, and I just knew I screwed up really bad,'' he remained silent after what he said and I knew it was my turn. ,,You need to admit to yourself, that you know, that you will always put her in front of me. We both know it,'' I whispered as he was just a few inches from me, sitting there looking into my eyes. ,,I told you I am ready to change it for you, if I see you mean it the same way,'' he said now a little upset. ,,It is not like I have a chance to do anything else,'' I mumbled. ,,You have Francesco nearby-'' ,,Are you serious?? After what had just happened?? Do you think I will run into his arms??'' ,,Then Giuliano seems to like you-'' ,,He likes me as he always had. As a sister.'' ,,And I have a feeling even Sandro noticed you.'' ,,He is an artist-'' ,,Enough Sorella. You do not have to oppose me in everything. What I am trying to say is, I understand that if you wanted to make me jealous, you would not have to try much to get someone...'' he said quite embarrased. ,,What-'' ,,Nothing...I said nothing. I just mean we both need to be sure we want to try this,'' he finally managed to explain his thoughts. ,,Well of course I want to try to make this work. I just do not want to feel as naive as many times before,'' I admited. ,,Sorella as long as you stay loyal I will not give you a reason to feel naive,'' Lorenzo said honestly. ,,I believe you Lorenzo,'' I gave him a warm look. ,,It will not be easy for us, as we are so different, but I swear I am going to try to know and understand you better,'' he grabbed my hand and kissed it slightly. ,,And I swear I will be a good and a loyal wife unless you give me a reason not to be,'' I whispered sincerely. 

,,Will you marry me then, Sorella??''

Lorenzo the MagnificentTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang