My story

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My name is Sorella Messina.

Let me tell you my story. 

Story of love, friendship, hatred and betrayal.

Story of my life, in which I felt like I couldn't believe anyone, nor rely on anyone.

Where betrayal and murder seemed just alright. 

Hear the story of my life.

And re-live with me all the happy and sad moments. 

All the moments I would give everything to re-live or not to live through them at all. 

The moments when I was at the top of the happiness.

And the moments when I was at the edge of ending everything.

Let me tell you my story.


I was sitting on the porch of my uncle's house. It was a little bit cold but I didn't mind it that much. I liked how the cold wind scattered my  brown hair in every direction. I could feel my cheeks burning from the cold weather and I started shaking a little bit. I walked down from the porch and picked up my old, ripped coat from the ground.  

I decided to dedicate every free second I got that day to remember my parents and my old life. This day was special. It was exactly 10 years since my life ended. When I lost my entire family. I walked up to the big and lonely tree on the top of a hill and sat on the ground with my back rested against the tree's trunk. I closed my eyes and tried to recall faces of my parents.

I remembered how I used to spend every evening with my dad in his office. I would spend hours and hours looking at all the paintings my parents had gathered. They used to be art traders. 

When I was born my parents were already fairly secured by money. They both inherited a lot of money but they invested it well into art and started with the trading and made even more out of that.

They were good friends with both families Medici and Pazzi. I would spend most of the days playing with their children at Medici's house. 

I know Lorenzo, Giuliano and Bianca 'de Medici since forever. And the same goes for Francesco and Guglielmo 'de Pazzi. 

I always liked Lorenzo the most but he never seemed to like me back. He was interested way more in books and the bank. Bianca was a really good friend to me. Because her other two sisters were being raised in monastery I was the only girl she could talk to. Even though she was bit older and we were quite different we were almost like sisters. She liked usual girly things while I liked to fight with Francesco and Guglielmo. Francesco was the one who cared about me the most. He would always make sure I wasn't hungry or thirsty. He would help me back on my feet every time I fell. And he would always give me good advices. Guglielmo was our big brother. And he was always really kind but he cared the most for Bianca. They were really close. And Giuliano...well he was just the funniest and youngest one. 

We were all really good friends. Until the fateful day. The day I lost my parents and I was dragged away from all of my friends by my uncle.

I remembered it like it happened only yesterday.

We were just playing around at Medici's house like every other day. It was getting dark and I got a feeling that something was wrong. My parents would always come before the sun started going down.

Contessina 'de Bardi ran to us all of sudden with tears in her eyes. ,,Sorella...oh poor little could this happen??" she cried. ,,What?? What happened??" Francesco asked quickly. Contessina embraced me. ,,Your parents Sorella...they're gone." ,,No. No. Where is my mum and dad grandma??" I started crying. ,,They're dead. Your parents and all of your servants. I don't know what happened..." Contessina sobbed, ,,Oh my poor little child."

Everyone was standing in a circle around us. I looked at Francesco with tears in my eyes and he immediately walked to me and embraced me.

I was nine years old when I lost everything I had ever known.

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