Alone again

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,,Orsa stop!!'' I yelled just a second before her chest got pierced in two different spots. I wanted to run to her but Lorenzo pulled me back. ,,No!!'' I yelled and all the people gasped and were sudenly motionless and silent. I looked at Francesco and our eyes met. His eyes were wide open. He was in quite a shock. ,,Sorella do not-'' Lorenzo tried to hold me back but I got rid of his grip. ,,How could you?! How could you lie to me like that?!'' I yelled in Francesco's face and slapped him across his cheek. He just stared at me. I collapsed on the ground down to Orsa and lifted her a little to be able to lay her on my thighs. She started spitting blood all over her mouth. To see her in this state made cry immediately. ,,Nononono...Orsa please do not leave me here alone, stay...stay with me!!'' I cried out loud. She stared into my eyes silenty and tried to smile a little bit but then closed her eyes. ,,No...'' I whispered and burried my face into her bloody chest. It can not be true!! It is just a dream. It all happened so quickly!!

I got so angry with everyone. ,,What are you looking at?! Why are you still here?! Leave!! All of you!!'' I yelled at all the people who came to see the show. Some of them looked angry, some of them sad but no one seemed to care enough to do anything about what had just happened. I fixed Orsa's hair and looked at her one more time, to never forget what she looked like, before I gently laid her on the ground. My tears dropping on her face, mixing with her blood.

I stood up and met Francesco's eyes again. He just stood there the whole time. Stood there and stared down at me. ,,How could you??'' I repeated my question. ,,Sorella I-I do not understand what do you mean,'' he sounded confused. Is he this cynical?? Does he think I am that stupid?? ,,You send her there. You sold her!! Orsa, and her sister. Is it not true??'' ,,I had no idea-'' ,,Oh God Francesco!! What is wrong with you?? Do not laugh in my face like this. You are such a bastard!!'' I wanted to slap him again but his guard pushed me away just in time. I fell on the ground and someone grabbed me from the back and helped me stand up again. ,,We can talk when you are ready to listen,'' Francesco said and left. ,,We will talk when you are ready to speak the truth!!'' I yelled at him but he didn't even look back. 

,,We need to bury her Loren-'' I stopped when I turned around to see Giuliano standing there. ,,Giuliano??'' he didn't say anything and pulled me to him closely, burying my face into his strong chest. I sobbed and sobbed and couldn't stop myself. He pulled away slightly after what felt like eternity and looked at me, not saying anything, just waiting for me to look at him as well. When I did he smiled a little bit and wiped the tears from my face with his hand. ,,Our people will take care of her Sorella,'' Giuliano said and four men stepped to Orsa and put her onto a big piece of wood and carried her away. ,,Where are they taking her??'' ,,To the church of course.'' ,,And where is Lorenzo?? Is he not here??'' I realised. ,,I saw him just a moment ago,'' Giuliano looked around quite confused. ,,Did he just leave me here alone??'' I chuckled ironically. ,,You are not alone Sorella,'' he said to cover his brother. ,,But was he not supposed to be here by my side in such a situation?? I thought the things were just getting better between the two of us,'' I sighed. ,,There must be some serious reason. Shall we go inside now??'' 

When we entered the Medici house I felt weird. It felt like I left such a long time ago when it only was a few days. We walked to the dining room and sat down next to each other. ,,Thank you Giuliano,'' I said after a minute of silence. ,,For what reason??'' he asked immediately. ,,You were there for me. You did not leave like Lorenzo did. I can not believe it,'' I said and tears started forming in my eyes. ,,Goddammit!! I told myself I will not cry anymore. But I feel like I cry constantly. I am so damn weak. I am so weak and naive,'' I hid my face in my palms. ,,Do not say things like that Sorella. Believe me, you are the strongest woman I had ever known. My mother is strong of course, but she has people for everything. But you?? You got so little and yet you give so much. You had just lost a close person. Is it bad to cry about it?? Is it weak?? Of course it is not. It is natural. Mourning is the most natural feeling after love that we can feel Sorella. So stop talking about yourself as about someone weak just because so many things, bad things, have been happening in your life lately. You lost a lover, you lost a faith in someone you used to love as a kid and you lost a person you knew you could rely on. Not everyone would manage to deal with their lifes if they were in your skin. And yet you are here, slapping people across their cheeks,'' Giuliano tried to cheer me up a little bit but only made me think about Francesco and how angry I am with him. 

,,This world is so wrong. How is it possible to buy a person?? A human being?? How can they force all these women to work in the bordellos?? What is wrong with these people??" ,,There are some particular things we can not do anything about. We just have to co-exist with all of it," I knew it was imposible to tell me something to make me understand. But Giuliano tried to say at least something. He tucked a lock of my hair behind my ear and caressed my cheek. 

,,I am not sure I want to,'' I whispered with a knock in my throat. 

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