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,,Is this Firenze??'' I sighed in disbelief. I looked around myself. Everything looked so beautiful and familiar. I wanted to just keep looking at the beauty around me but then I realised the two men are chasing me. Where should I run?? Maybe into the centre?? But there might be a lot of guards... I decided to run there anyway because it was the only part of Firenze I could recall in details. Or at least I thought I could. But as soon as I noticed Santa Maria del Fiore in distance and run to it I realised I couldn't really recall many details. Actually I was lost. I felt like I knew where our, the Medici and the Pazzi house is but in the same moment I really didn't know what direction I should go. I had no idea what I should do. Where I should go. If I find the Pazzi house...or the Medici...but what if they no longer live here.

My aunt made sure I didn't know anything about my old hometown and about people who were almost my family. Dante tried to find out many times and he actually told me both families are one of the most famous bankers but it had been a while since I last asked about it and you never know what can happen. Especially if you're famous like that. You never know who might try to kill you or your family so you have to run away.

What else could I do than ask someone. They were my only hope. I stopped a kindly looking woman in her middle age. She kind of reminded me of Signora Rossi, the cook at my uncle's house. She had long grey hair and a scar under her eye. ,,Excuse me Signora, where does the Pazzi family live??" of course I asked about Pazzi because I felt like Francesco might be the only one still willing to help me. ,,Oh you must come from far away," the woman smiled, ,,I'm actually going the same way, you can walk with me," she smiled once again. ,,Thank you," I smiled back and started walking next to her.

,,I have one more favor," I said silently. ,,What is it??'' she kindly asked. ,,Is here any place I can get some sort of a dark robe??'' ,,Of course, just behind this corner. Let's go,'' she grabbed my hand and led me. We stepped into quite crowded street. I started feeling uneasy. I quickly looked around to find the robe I was looking for and grabbed the first I noticed. ,,Oh no...'' I sighed. ,,What's wrong??'' the woman asked concerned. ,,I have no money...'' I said silently and put it back. ,,Here,'' she said and handed me a few coins. ,,No...I can't take it from you.'' ,,It's nothing. And it's good to help someone if you can. remind me of my daughter,'' she smiled quite sadly and caressed my cheek.  ,,Thank you so much Signora, I owe you.'' ,,It's alright. But tell me. I can see, something had happened. You seem a bit scared,'' she said curiously. I really didn't know if I should tell her the truth. ,,I-I just arrived here with my family...and we separated so I started looking for them...and then a guardian started chasing me for no reason so I got scared,'' I stuttered. I didn't really feel like telling her the whole true story. I was scared she might take me to the guards or somewhere else. ,,Oh so...Pazzi are your family?? Or is your family visiting them for some reason??'' she continued. ,,Oh yeah they are my parent's old friends,'' I lied and didn't like it because she was just so kind to me but I had no other chance. ,,Oh I see now,'' she smiled and we continued walking in silence.

After a moment she stopped and pointed in front of us. ,,That is the house. I'll leave you here so you can go there. I hope to see you again,'' she said kindly and wanted to leave but I grabbed her hand. ,,Thank you so much,'' I smiled and embraced her.

I started feeling really nervous when the woman left because I was there all alone. I made a few steps back and hid behind a corner looking at the Pazzi house's door. What if he won't recognize me?? What if he won't remember me?? What if he won't talk to me?? Maybe he hates me because I left and never came back. Maybe he won't care about me anymore at all. I couldn't make a single step forward. I felt desperate. What was I thinking?? That I show up after ten years in front of his door and he will welcome me with his arms wide open?? How foolish was I?? I should leave. Run away as far as I can and save myself all by myself. I kept thinking about what should I do when I heard someone talking from behind the corner. I looked there and saw five men in front of the Pazzi house. I panicked and decided to follow them. I wanted to leave but in the same moment I really wanted to meet Francesco and talk with him. I wanted him to save me. I wanted to be close to him again. I just wanted him to be part of my life again. You need to take this opportunity!!

I stepped out from behind the corner and covered my whole face under the hood. I didn't really see any of their faces as I was slowly walking behind  tailing them. And I didn't even understand what they were talking about. I felt like I heard ''Medici'' a few times but I wasn't sure. I couldn't tell if any of them actually was Francesco or not because I couldn't even imagine how he would sound like after all these years. They looked around and behind many times but I was sure I always hid just in the right time. I just entered a really tight corridor when I noticed I lost them. I looked behind myself but decided to continue walking the same direction. 

All of sudden someone grabbed me and shoved me against the wall blowing my breath away. He grabbed me by my neck and made me stand on my tiptoes. ,,Who are you?!'' he yelled into my face really angrily. But I couldn't even breathe and he wanted me to talk. As I got out from the shock I grabbed his hands and tried to make him let go of me but I was too weak. I looked deep into his eyes. 



Yeah hey so I know it took me forever again. And I don't even believe myself when I say I will update like every or every other week. I know it's impossible for me to set that goal eve I'd love to stick with that.

Anyway. I hope you'll enjoy this chapter. And I really beg you not to be the silent reader. I believe every person writing a story on wattpad or any other platform for amateur writers is so happy for every vote or comment or even private message. You know, it always helps us to feel more confident about what we're writing and it's always a bigger  reason for us to write more often. 

<3 <3 <3

PS: Even if it sometimes takes forever to update this story I'm always thinking about it and trust me, I'm not planning to left this story uncompleted. 

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