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,,Sorella!! Can you hear me?? Say something...'' I could hardly see or hear but I knew who the man was. That was the last thing I heard before I passed out.

I heard many voices. Familiar and unknown. I heard words but I couldn't make any sense out of them. I heard sentences but it felt like I didn't understand the language. But as someone laid a hand on my shoulder I knew what it mean. I did not die. Someone had saved me. But someone had found me as well.

,,Sorella?? Are you here with us??'' I heard the voice again. I wanted to open my eyes to see him to make sure it is real. ,,Sorella open your eyes if you can hear me. Please...'' he continued. Oh Francesco I wish I could but my eyelids are just so heavy. I can not. Wait a little longer.

Soft hand caressed my cheek and then I felt warm lips on my forehead. How did you find me here Francesco?? Was this your plan to be together again?? But this is so complicated. I came to meet Dante. To run away with him. My feelings are confused. I feel like I love two men at the same moment but when I remember the bad things they had done...I feel like it would be much better to run away on my own. At least Lorenzo does not care about me at all. Otherwise my confused feelings might feel like falling for him as well. I am just so weak. I am ashamed of myself for being so weak when it comes to the feelings. I am just desperate to feel loved. To have someone I could truly trust and rely on. Someone I could tell my biggest fears to.

I tried once again to open my eyes but I couldn't. Just as I couldn't move a muscle. Am I paralysed??

I didn't know how many hours had passed but it felt like eternity when I finally heard someone again. ,,Everyone is so worried about you. I know you most likely do not hear me. But I need you to know how sorry I am for hurting you. You felt like you had no other option but to run away to safe yourself because I acted like an idiot towards you and only kept making bad excuses for it. But please, let me prove you wrong. Sorella please...please I swear...I will change if you give me one more chance. Please wake up. Fight like you never had in your life and wake up. Do not dare to die on us...Do not dare...'' something wet dropped on my face. A little drop. And another. I would never want to make him cry. ,,I care about you. I always have,'' he said and then I could hear his steps getting further. No. No. Stay here. I wanted to streach my arm out to catch him but I only managed to move my finger. I managed to move my fingers!!

I could feel a new wave of energy and strenght filling me as I tried to open my eyes. I tried to make a sound as well to stop him from leaving me. I had never imagined these simple things could cost so much energy.

I finally slightly opened my eyes and could see a man figure leaning against a window.

I fought and fought and fought.

It felt like hours but it only took a few more seconds as I managed to make a slight sound. He immediately turned around and rushed to me.

I closed my eyes again but started smiling. ,,Francesco," I whispered and opened my eyes again to see Lorenzo sitting next to me staring at me speechless.

,,Why would you say his name now??" he asked offended after a few silent moments. He wanted to get up and probably leave but I was able to put my hand on his and make him stay. I didn't understand. Where is Francesco?? He was the man talking to me here the whole time. I know it.

I looked at Lorenzo confused and asked him: ,,Where is he?? I heard him talking to me."

,,Why are you ruining everything like this?? Francesco, Francesco. Where is Francesco?? Oh my Francesco. It is enough!! Sorella I am ready to change for you but you need to forget about that Pazzi bastard. I am so sick of hearing about him all the time...since we were children. He is not in here. I was the one talking to you," Lorenzo claimed.

I still didn't understand. How is that possible?? I knew it was Francesco. Was it really Lorenzo?? Did Lorenzo save me at the market?? Did he watch the fight-

,,Dante!!" I realised he was nowhere to be seen. I tried my best to sit up but ended up only trembling on my week arms and falling  onto the bed again which was quite painful as my whole body ached. ,,Hey, hey. Easy," Lorenzo whispered as he helped me to sit up. I was breathing heavily just like I would breathe if I ran from Rome to Firenze. Everything just cost me so much energy. I looked at Lorenzo again but this time I didn't say anything.

,,Who is this Dante??" he asked kind of tired. I wanted to tell him everything but I knew it would do no good and also I wouldn't be able to talk for such a long time. ,,A friend. He was at the market. he??" I managed to say in between my heavy breathing.

,,I let the guards capture both of them. They had kind of a full history of crimes. They are going to be executed. Actually one of them had already been executed." 

These words put me into some state of a coma. The time had stopped. My breathing had stopped. Even my own heart had stopped.

Is this a nightmare?? Is this just a dream?? Why would he do that?? He must had known who Dante is. Did he do it on a purpose??

,,Who??" I managed to ask with a knot in my  throat and with my eyes full of tears.

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