the loser in the end pt.2 | ringo + roger

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Roger's pov

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Roger's pov

Once y/n left, Ringo and I turned back to each other. We continued to talk about drums for a moment before he sprung something on me. "I really like her." He babbles. I tense up. "You do?" I chuckle. "What's so funny?" He asks. "You have absolutely no chance with her." I laugh. "Oh, and you do?" He sneers. "I have a better chance with her than you." I scoff. "Bollocks." He mutters. "It's true! You're a bore. A down-right snooze!" I retort. "At least I'm not a prick. You'd cheat on her the first chance you could." He snaps.

"Say it again, won't you?" I snarl. I stand up, earning the attention of both the Beatles and the rest of Queen. "Oh, bloody hell. Not again." I hear John mutter. Ringo and I both stand up. "You can try to get with her, but she'll cheat on you with me once she sees what a bore you really are." I sneer. Ringo pushes on my shoulder, making me stumble back. "Ringo..." John begins as the two groups walk closer to us. "Okay, let's see how good a boxer you really are." I snap, walking towards him. Before I could reach him, Paul and Brian walk in the middle of us. "Take it easy. Take it easy." Brian orders. "All right, Muhammad Ali." Paul adds.

"What happened?" My favorite voice asks as the girl I adore walks into the room. "Your two drummer boyfriends were about to go head to head." John explains.

Y/n's pov

As I walk back into the room, I see Brian and Paul try to separate Ringo and Roger. "What happened?" I ask. "Your two drummer boyfriends were about to go head to head." John replies. A frown grows on my face as I looked at the two boys. I knew them both very well. They were equally hot-headed so I should've known something bad was going to happen if I left them alone. "Roger, can I speak with you outside please?" I request. Roger sighs and follows me to the front yard. "What happened?" I question. "Nothing important." Roger shrugs. "Obviously something important enough happened that you two ended up fighting about it!" I whisper-yell. "I didn't want to have to tell you here but I like you, y/n/n." He blurts. To be honest, I used to like Roger but I always worried that he would cheat on me. "Why did you have to fight about it?" I whisper. "I was defending myself. He said that I would cheat on you. I get where he's coming from, but I would never do that. Not to you." He explains. I bite down on my lip. "You wouldn't?" I ask. "Never." He reassures me. "Then don't make me regret this." I blurt before slamming my lips onto his. 

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