you and I | brian

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Y/n and Brian have been friends since middle school

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Y/n and Brian have been friends since middle school. Y/n attended the sister school to Brian's middle school. The two somehow got into the same college and they've remained close.

I watched the band practice from behind the sound board. Freddie gave Brian critiques and Brian would simply nod. Roger, on the other hand, would talk back and disagree which is always amusing to watch. As the boys made their way out of the recording booth, Brian walked over to me. "Was that good?" he asks me. "Why would you ask me? I don't know anything on guitars." I chuckle. "What do you mean? You love guitars." He replies. "Since when?" I chuckle. "Do you not remember in seventh grade? When we saw the local band preform at one of the sports games?" he continues. 


It was the homecoming football game. Brian, y/n and their friends sat on the bleachers in the back row. Unlike their friends who came to the game to suck face, y/n and Brian just came to talk and enjoy their friends presence. Y/n and Brian's friends had left the two to go make out in private. Brian was thankful for that because he had a small crush on the girl. She was obviously oblivious to this but she did in fact like him back. 

"Isn't that so cool?" Y/n blurts, earning the boys full attention. "What?" He questions. "The guitar. I've always liked guitar... and the guitar players." She chuckles. "I've always liked singers." He adds, looking at the girl who just happened to sing. "It's just so cool... guitar." She adds, ignoring Brian's previous statement. "So learn to play." he suggests. "Oh, I--I can't." The girl shakes her head, staring down at her feet. This makes Brian frown. He never understood why nobody would ever do what made them happy. "Well, why not?" He asks. "It's not girly. I'd be teased." She sighs. "Who cares? If it makes you happy, do it." He explains. "I'd rather just date a guitarist and borrow his guitar. I'll stick to singing." She replies.
And then, it hit him. 

Ever since that day at the game, Brian has been devoted to learning guitar. At first, his main motivation was to win y/n. But, it's slowly been more about that. Brian and his father made him his own guitar. Around high school, girls started to notice Brian. Y/n didn't like who Brian was becoming. Ever since he hit puberty and started to become more popular, he was slowly becoming someone y/n didn't enjoy being around. Brian didn't understand why y/n hadn't fallen into his arms already. He played guitar, he was good at sports, and he was smart. Little did he know, y/n was perfectly fine with the nerdy, sweet Brian she liked in the beginning. 


"Now that I think about it, I do remember that." I nod. "Oh, yeah? What else do you remember?" He smiles. "I remember how all our friends left us to shag." I giggle. Brian nods. "Um... I remember the band... to think about it, they were really out of tune." I continue. "Oh! And I remember how I had the hugest crush on you." I add. "Wait... you had a what?" He asks. "Yeah. I liked you for a really long time." I blush. "What made you stop?" he questions. "I don't know. I guess you changed. You weren't the nice boy you were when I met you." I sigh. "You know, I only started playing guitar because you told me you found guitarists attractive. I remember you said, "I'd rather just date a guitarist and borrow his guitar." And because I was so head over heels for you, I decided to start playing." He explains. I remained silent. "I was so confused as to why you didn't just come running to me, begging me to take you out." He sighs. "I wanted to. I wanted to do that so, so bad. But I saw you around all these girls and I thought I didn't mean anything to you." I sniffle. "I guess it was just bad timing and communication." He chuckles. "Well, hey. I still find guitarists really attractive if you still like singers." I smirk. "Yeah, I guess there's this one specific one I have in mind." He chuckles. "You guys do realize we're still here and we still have to finish recording!" Roger calls out. Brian and I jerk to the group staring at us. 

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