breakthru | deaky

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"WALK OUT THAT DOOR AND WE'RE DONE! YOU HEAR ME? DONE!" Roger shouts after me. I had caught him cheating on me and I was the one apologizing. I eventually realized it was him and not me. "We should've been done a while ago, Rog. I'm sorry for not realizing sooner." I sigh, walking out of the door. It's cold and rainy as it usually is in London. I walked into town, clutching onto my jacket tightly. I called a cab and gave the driver the only address I have memorized. John's.

As we pull up to his house, I see most of the lights off. The light to the kitchen lighting up the entire pathway to his door. I pay the fare and walk to the door, knocking lightly. I didn't notice but I had been crying since I left Roger's house. I hear the door click and I watch John's face appear in front of me. A concerned expression on his face. He opens the door wider and walks me in, not saying a word. He sits me down on his couch and wraps a thick blanket around my shoulders. "Thank you." I croak. "Anytime. Do you mind giving me a rundown as to why you're here?" he requests. "Roger. He--He cheated on me." I sniffle. John tenses up but stays quiet. "I should've seen it coming. Things went south a while ago. We were just too scared to say anything." I continue. "Well, I'm glad you're doing whats best for you." John smiles softly. "I'm sorry for intruding. Your house was the only place I have memorized." I laugh quietly. "It's no burden at all. I'm usually alone so it's nice to have company as lovely as yourself." He replies, making me blush. "Thanks, Deaky." I laugh. "Anytime." He smiles.

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