jealousy | roger

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It was a regular, long day in the studio

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It was a regular, long day in the studio. Considering I was the bands assistant, I had to be with them for every waking hour of every day. I knew Brian and Roger when they were members of smile, and I had seen Freddie around campus before. I met John the same day that Freddie did. And the rest is history. I used to come to the bands recording days for fun. But now, I get paid for it. The boys really aren't too demanding so usually I can just sit and watch them work. If I'm lucky, I get to help out with the songs. "Y/n, darling, Brian needs some assistance," Freddie calls out, gaining my attention. I walked into the recording booth where Bri stood, holding his broken guitar strap. "What happened here?" I ask. "Guess it's just worn out," he shrugs, handing it to me. "All right. Do we need to get a new strap and you can just use a spare guitar in the mean time?" I suggest. "I guess that'll work. Thanks, y/n/n," Bri smiles. "It's no problem at all," I smile, lightly tapping his shoulder. Brian was my closest friend, it's always been that way. He also knows that I like Roger. But knowing Roger, he'd only hurt me. He's a womanizer, a player. He can't stick to one woman for more than a night. And he would definitely never like me the way I like him. 

Roger's pov

I grunt as I make my way over to the sound board. I press the button, allowing the two in the booth to hear me. "We don't have all day to record this shit so can you two stop eye shagging and get to work already?" I scoff. Y/n quickly nods and walks out of the booth as Brian scurries to grab the spare guitar. I sigh and walk back to my previous position on the couch. I watch as y/n tosses the broken guitar strap into the garbage can before she sits down next to me. 

Y/n's pov

"We weren't eye shagging, Rog," I blurt. He turns to me, his blue eyes practically piercing through my soul. "You sure 'bout that? That's not what he thinks," Roger scoffs. "Why do you care?" I ask. "I just think you're leading him on. I think you like the drummer." He smirks. "Please. If we were the last two people on earth, I would shag a cactus before even thinking about shagging you." I retort. "Whatever you say." He laughs. 

time skip

We had wrapped for the day. Everyone got packed up and ready to leave. At some point during the day, I had left and purchased a new guitar strap for Brian. As everyone made their way out of the studio, I walked into the recording booth, leaving the door slightly open so I wasn't locked in for the rest of the night. I made my way over to the guitars. I spotted the one missing a strap and I gently picked it up, clipping the strap on to it. As I placed the guitar down, I heard the door slam shut. I quickly turned around to see Roger on the other side of the door, a smirk plastered onto his face. "Roger... Roger, let me out," I plead. I watch as he walks over to the sound board, pressing the mic. "I could," he continues. "This isn't funny, Rog!" I shout. "I'll let you out when you admit that you like me," he laughs. "Oh, my God. Really?" I scoff. He nods. "I have nothing to tell you! Nothing at all." I retort. "Fine. If that's how you wanna play it," he mutters. I watch as he walks over to the door and he begins to open it. I slowly started to walk to the door but before I could get out, he walks in, closing the door behind him. 

"Now we're both locked in here," he explains. "I hope you're joking." I retort. "Nope. You're gonna be stuck with me all night long." He smirks. "You idiot!" I sneer. He just laughs. "How can you be laughing right now?" I groan. "It's just funny that you're trying so hard to cover up your feelings for me," he replies. "Where did you get this idea that I liked you?" I question. "Brian," He blurts. My eyes widen as they dart to his, searching and scanning for some kind of sign that he could be lying. "What?" I mutter. "Yeah. Brian told me everything," he laughs. I groan, biting down on my lip. "I don't mind, though." He begins. "I told him not to tell you. I strictly told him it was just between us." I mumble. "We're each others wingmen, of course he's gonna tell me," Rog sighs. "Is this gonna change anything between us? I get that the feeling isn't mutual but I really don't want this messing up our friendship." I sigh. "Never said the feeling wasn't mutual." He corrects. "I don't know. I just assumed." I shrug. "Well maybe you should stop assuming things because apparently you suck at it." He laughs. "What do you mean?" I ask. "I like you, y/n. I do." He breathes out. "But..." I begin. "I know where you're going with that and I'd like you to stop speaking. There's no doubting my feeling for you, y/n/n. And if you really wanna try this out, I'll change for you. Seriously. I'm getting a little tired of the same routine. I want to be able to have this surety of knowing I can wake up to the same face every morning," he explains. "Really?" I ask. "Yes." he nods. We make eye contact once more. Slowly, we start to walk closer to each other. We stop as our faces were inches apart. Roger cups my cheeks and slams his lips onto mine. We both pull away. "Good. Because I always did get jealous when I saw you with a new girl," I smile. We laugh.
"Sorry to ruin the moment but we are actually stuck in here. I didn't really think this through all the way." He blurts.

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