Chapter 15- Monday: Part 1

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These next two chapters (Monday part 1 and 2) will include scenes that may make some readers uncomfortable. I know I said you already got your last warning earlier, but this is a bit different. These chapters will include forced-upon sexual actions, which could be classified as "rape", which could easily make any reader uncomfortable, at the very least. Usually, I assume most people are reading this because they're okay with it- but this topic is a real-world issue, that has effected many victims, and my goal is to entertain and intrigue, not to make anyone uncomfortable. With that, however, I also felt that putting warnings before and after the specific parts where this is prevalent would break up the flow of the story too much. So, for those of you who do not mind- read on. This will serve as the only warning for the entirety of these two chapters, however, for those of you who do not want to read into this with much detail, skip to the end of Monday part 2 (chapter 16). At the very end of that chapter, I will be including a short summary of these two chapters, which will go over about the gist of what happened, without the details. In future chapters, the events of these parts will most likely be brought back up, however, I will try my best not to go into much detail in future references- but if needed, I will give a similar warning once more.

If there was one thing that I had learned that night, after all that had happened (whether or not I had any memory the specifics) was this key lesson- stop pushing off problems for another day. And if I do do that, at least try to avoid Mondays. On that Saturday night- or Sunday morning depending on how you look at it- pushing my issues onto Monday seemed like the best option; I could enjoy my night/morning, it helped me sleep when I actually fell asleep, and Monday was the next day of school anyways, so unless I sought my problems out, they would find me on Monday no matter whether or not I wanted them to. When I woke up this Monday morning however, I found it to be a less than desirable move on my part. Even though it really couldn't get any worse than what had already maybe happened to me- or so I thought- I had built up an artificial anxiety for the coming of Monday.

"You okay there?" Ashley asks from the seat next to me. We were currently in the middle of breakfast right before leaving for school, as we did almost every day now.

"Yeah, why?" I reply, fully snapping myself out of my nerve-fueled thought bubble.

"You seemed put-off. And you've hardly touched your food." she remarks, causing me to look down at my breakfast.

"... I'm already finished." I confusedly point out, looking back up at her from my empty plate.

"Okay yeah, but still. You seemed distracted." she insists. "Is it something about Faith?" she whispers.

"No Ashley, don't worry about it." I answer, a bit annoyed.

"You never did tell me about the party." she accuses, still whispering for some reason.

"You'll get filled in eventually." I assure her.

"Good. You can start in the car." she finishes, taking a bite of her eggs as I let out a sigh in response. Today was really gonna be one of those Mondays.

"You got so fucking wasted." Ashley jokes after I finish my retelling. We were in her car still, and after a short summary of events, with some exclusion of certain details, we were almost to the school.

"I sure did." I un-joyfully add in, looking out at the dark clouds slowly forming around the area as she continues her mockery.

"You know it's bad when you can't even remember ever having your first drink, dude. Unless you're a huuuuge lightweight." she continues teasing.

"That's a decent possibility, actually." I remark- maybe if that was the case, it would explain things a bit better.

"So then you passed out in her room? And then you guys ended up spending the night together in her fucking theater room when you came to?" she asks. As one of those "excluded details", I had left off everything involving what may have happened to me- I wasn't certain of the events myself, so there was no use in worrying her.

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