Chapter 38- Have we Found the Track yet?

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I never would've imagined I could take a shower, and somehow leave feeling even dirtier than when I had entered.

Really, it was foolish of me to assume anything was impossible when it came to Caitlyn's wildly unpredictable way of being. I may have had the reality-controlling watch, but it seemed she had her own built-in force of nature herself, stirring up all kinds of improbabilities around me. That was just the way she was, I guess. Horny and uncontainable- even by herself, sometimes.

Needless to say, by the time we tried to get any real cleaning done, all remnant of hot water was drained from the system.

She had also decided to stick with her newly grown genitalia, now having slept on the matter. Of course, she reserved the right with me to revert back if she were to change her mind- but something told me she wouldn't be cashing that in anytime soon. Since she was firmly dedicated to it now, I made sure to submit the changes properly myself this time, just to make sure she hadn't glossed over something on her first go of it. I verified it with her first, but she also chose to stick with her feminine pronouns, so I happy obliged. Thanks to the manipulative powers of the watch- which you could just, flip on and off, apparently- everyone who would have any business knowing about that part of her, would know already. Of course, as I explained to her, this could have unforeseen ramifications- for example, someone could end up having thought differently of her when they would've found out, and thus her  previous relationship with them would now be shifted. However, she was set on taking that risk, trusting in those closest to her to accept her for who she is, no matter what. Besides, the alternative would mean she would have to try and explain her sudden new appendage, which would be a whole other can of worms.

Interestingly enough, her transformation seemed to affect her similarly to how my own worked on me. Her clothes had changed somewhat, with different options like guy's boxers and stuff in her dresser, which she deemed it smart to wear while at school. She still remembered the fact that she had made the changes and how she was previously- information I still recalled as well- although she did mention having a faint recollection of conflicting memories, here and there. From what I could tell, as she was directly aware and consenting of her changes, it was almost treating her as if she was the one doing it to herself. If it was similar to my situation, she would start to remember her past life in a different light, more and more, to better fit her changes, as time goes on. I found it curious that I didn't seem to have any new memories of her having a dick this whole time- but then again, I guess this would've been the first time I would've actually seen it, so maybe there just wasn't any previous memories for it to affect? That, or I was exempt given my consciousness and connection to the Multi-Stream?

I guess it didn't matter either way, for now.

Caitlyn updated me on her time MIA with Hayden during the Halloween party as we were heading to bed that night, our libido having finally died down. The two of them had walked through the maze together- which she mentioned, was boring as hell as far as the actual scares went. She figured Hayden had intentionally taken them down some path that wasn't designated for anyone or anything to actually jump out at them, seeing as she was integral in the set up of the whole thing, so they could talk in peace. It sounded similar to the type of one Hailey and I had ended up in, so that only further supported her theory. They had just chatted initially, talking about recent points of interest and the party itself. Their relationship had been "rocky", to put it plainly, since the whole mess I had caused. Of course, they were nowhere near the distance I had put between myself and Faith, but things still weren't how they used to be. Clearly, Caitlyn remaining so close to me didn't help very much either.

Hayden had shifted the conversation over towards the two of them, how things were awkward, how she been feeling isolated lately. Caitlyn had let her talk for the most part, said she felt like Hayden just had a lot to get off her chest. She brought up how much she missed the way things used to be- between the two of them, and the whole friend group. She said how hurt and cold Faith had been through all this, even to her, and how there was nothing she could do to help. Caitlyn told me how sincerely distraught she was- even crying a bit into her pent-up rant. Caitlyn had held her closely as she went on, comforting the girl- and then Hayden kissed her. And it was good, she said. Sure, it wasn't the first time they had kissed or anything, but that didn't make it feel any less special to her. Caitlyn smiled a bit when she told me that part.

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