Chapter 12- The Partially Problematic Pool Party Part 1

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I could've sworn I knew more people than this.

Of course, "Chelsea" didn't know fuck all when it came to many of the students outside her the collective bubble of acquaintances and friends alike- but from my subconscious memory of my time on this earth as Charles, I had definitely met more people than this. Looking out at the polluted sea of high-school-party-goers razing throughout Faith's spacious living room, I played my own personal game of "Guess Who". I was losing badly- which really said something as I had no opponent. I wasn't sure if my mild tampering with reality really screwed things up so badly that so many people I once knew no longer exist- or if there was just a big group-difference between those I knew of as Charles, and those who attend parties like these. I had last seen any of my direct friends back when they first arrived, rather early into the party, but had since all been swept up in the "fun". It had been even longer since I had seen Faith, as she was rather preoccupied as the host of this shindig. The simple fact that I referred to the commotion  unfolding before me as a "shindig" proved that I didn't exactly fit in here very well. Hell, even Paige had been getting into the party quite a bit; as I last witnessed her participating in a drinking competition with one of the boy team captains. I wonder how that ordeal ended- probably in favor of Paige if I was being honest. For the most part, my time here consisted of observing the intriguing species laid out in front of me, which was fun in its own right. This whole scene wasn't really "me", and I was in a constant struggle of wanting to slip out, unnoticed, and go home to grind out the new Terraria update, while the other part of me wanted to dive right into the chaos. So far, this back and forth only succeeded in keeping me standing here, watching. My own conflicting wants and feelings fighting- those of a cautious boy, and those of a hot girl. While I was certainly a fan of my new life. it did unfortunately take away from my "gaming time". I'd have to fix that flaw in my new time management. I leaned back into the corner of the wall next to an entrance into the kitchen, and looked over at the cabinet next to me. It was filled with various placings of medals for different activities- most of them swim related- with the name "Sirius Henman" inscribed upon them. Each one was neatly kept and proudly displayed in this hotspot of a room in the house, and I found an odd sense of comfort standing here next to them.

"This was about the last place I expected to find you." I hear the sweet voice of Faith say next to me.

"Well, clearly you misjudge my taste in decoration. Inversely, I didn't even expect to see you again tonight." I respond, taking a very cool-looking sip from my non-alcoholic Pacific Cooler Caprisun as I turn my attention around to her.

"Oh? Do tell." she asks as she sidles up next to me.

"Well, as the very popular host of tonight's event, I'dve guessed you'd be somewhere lost out there." I explain, gesturing towards the mob of people gathered what appears to be a, hopefully ironic, Fortnite dance battle.

"If I'm being honest, there are a few more people here than I expected there to be." she admits.

"Well when I asked earlier, you didn't seem to have much of an expectation at all." I point out, to which she shrugs.

"Yeah but, this is. Kinda a lot."

"Well, you're not alone in that train of thought." I tell her.

"Really?" I nod.

"Yep, in the same compartment as you. The whole "gang-bang of a party" train car is farther down the line." I reassure her, to which she promptly sends an eye-roll my way in response.

"To be honest, I would've thought you'd THRIVE in a situation like this." she tells me, a sheepishly cute smile making its way into my view.

"What makes you say that?" I inquire.

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