Chapter 8- We Need to Have Words

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"Now that was one HELL of a breakfast Mrs. Pierce" Hayden remarked as we finished cleaning up the last of the dishes.
"You know I always come through when it comes to you girls" It was clear the others had grown a bond with Caitlyn's mom over countless sleepovers, especially Hayden.
"Thanks for letting me stay the night as well." I spoke up for the first time during our group- cleanup sesh.
"You're always welcome over Chelsea" Mrs. Pierce replied casually while gathering up her things for work.
"Yeah, you're one of us now whether you like it or not, bitch" Caitlyn threw her arm around my shoulder and pulled myself tightly next to her.
"We need to talk, alone. I'd offer to drive you but I'm already driving Hayden, and something tells me you won't mind riding with Faith anyways. Looks like you're my gym partner for today" she whispers into my ear, the others preoccupied with getting ready to leave to notice, before she moved away from me.
"You ready Chelsea?" Faith asks, pulling my brain from attempting to comprehend Caitlyn's proposal.
"Uh yeah, sure am" I lied, though I was, in fact, not ready. I quickly zipped up my bag, noting that my watch was securely strapped to my wrist before following Faith out the front door. On the way out, I notice Emma staring at me fom the corner of my eye as I walk out; I'd have to clear things up with her later.
"Thanks again for giving me a ride, I'll have to return the favor when I get my license... and a car." I politely said once we were outside.
"Eh, not a big deal. Always glad to help." She simply replies, throwing me a sweet, sweet smile before climbing into her Altima. I do the same in my respective side of the car, and it's not long before we're driving down the road.

A few minutes of a comfortable silence between the two of us, the radio, or more Faith's aux, providing the only sounds within the car. I look over at her from the side, her focus straight ahead, as it should be. My eyes naturally drift down to her chest, where I made the pleasant discovery of how good a seatbelt makes her boobs look. Looking down at my own chest, I realized the same could probably be said about me. I wondered if she had thought the same thing... was I just overly horny after everything or was this normal? Speaking of horny, by golly was I feeling it. Watching her chest lightly bounce as we made our way to school in between the tightness of the seatbelt was definitely not helping. Or, rather it was helping, depending on how you look at it.

"I was going to call you out for staring, but after my shenanigans last night; I guess it's only fair" My heart skips a few beats for a couple years at that, my clearly innocent eyes shooting up to meet hers.
"I like your boobs" Needless to say, I was absolutely astonished by the brilliance that is my dumbass, panicked brain. I'm sure Faith felt exactly the same way.
"Very eloquent" she jokingly teases.
"You have no room to talk about "eloquent compliments" missy"
"Oh shit, "Missy?" I'm in for it now" her relentless teasing continues without any sign of stopping.
"That's it, you're grounded. Six weeks tops." I was really putting my foot down here.
"Grounded from what? Driving you to school?" She dared challenge me??
"Grounded from late-night cuddles" Mic. Drop.
"We should probably talk about all that more, shouldn't we?"
"Yes we should, I'm very upset with your disrespect lately." I was carrying this to my grave.
"I meant what happened at Caitlyn's house. And like, us." Oh shit, time for seriousness, scratch that last part.
"Oh yeah yeah totally. Very important indeed." Now the uncomfortable version of silence settled over us, as neither of us knew exactly how to do this.
"So, I really like you" that seemed like a good way to start this off. At least my brain thought so. Her adorable smile creeping on her face confirmed this theory.
"Is that so?" back to the teasing she goes.
"I'm trying to be serious here for once" I complain, crossing my arms under my chest and pouting.
"Fine, fine. My bad, madame" she clears her throat.
"I like you too, Chelsea. A lot." Uncontrollable smiles incoming.
"You know what two people do when they really like eachother?"
"Brunch?" She guesses, and I shrug.
"Not sure, but I'm gonna find out" a smooth line, with a signature wink to finish it off.
"You'll have to tell me all about your results"
"Something tells me that won't be necessary"
"Caitlyn's rubbing off on you" she remarks while shaking her head, but I can see her small smile.
"She better not be, I only want one person rubbing on me at all" I was on fire.
"I'm about to pull this car over"
"You know you love them." Another head shake, but her face gave herself away.
"I think we should take things slow" she says suddenly, catching my overly-flirty ass off guard.
"I do really like you Chelsea, I really do. But we've known eachother for like, a day." She explains, making quite a good point.
"And do you know all that we've done in just that day? I think it's a bit late for "taking things slow"" a good counter point from me.
"That's true that we were forced into some... scandalous situations." She agrees, lightly blushing from remembering said events.
"Such big words" She disregards my teasing.
"But I don't want to rush things anymore than they already have been. True I wouldn't give up what we've... gone through for anything, and it's definitely helped, at least me, feel... things for you." Wow she was cute when she was nervous.
"But we should try and take things slow from here, I don't want to ruin things. I want to get to know so much about you, and spend time with you." It was nice to know she genuinely cared.
"I completely agree. You're amazing Faith, and I wanna cherish that" a genuine response as well from myself.
"So then, friends?"
"... with some benefits?" She looks over at me and quickly winks before turning back to the road.

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